The Bourne Identity Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Identity Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Villiers recall about the traitor in his home?
(a) His wife often travels on the same dates of Carlos' assassinations.
(b) His butler often speaks on the phone late at night.
(c) His cousin often arrives at his home when Carlos is suspected to be in Paris.
(d) His cook often calls in sick when Carlos is suspected to be in Paris.

2. Why did Villiers become angry with the French government in his youth?
(a) Because they gave Algeria their independence.
(b) Because his wife was kidnapped and killed by political assassins.
(c) Because his son was murdered by political assassins.
(d) Because he disagreed with the rules of the military.

3. Who has stationed himself across the street from Treadstone?
(a) Conklin.
(b) Abbott.
(c) Bourne.
(d) Crawford.

4. Who planted the murder and robbery accusations against Marie?
(a) Webb
(b) Bourne
(c) Stevens
(d) Abbott

5. Who does Bourne suspect Carlos is?
(a) Villiers' son
(b) David Abbott
(c) Cain
(d) Rene Bergeron

6. What is Carlos dressed as when Bourne sees him?
(a) A priest
(b) A woman
(c) A soldier
(d) A bum

7. What is unusual about the location of Treadstone's offices?
(a) It is in a warehouse district.
(b) It is in a wealthy, residential area.
(c) It is in the Pentagon.
(d) It is in the Sears Tower.

8. What does Bourne recall as he lies wounded from the attack?
(a) Serving in Vietnam.
(b) Killing Jason Bourne.
(c) Operation Medusa's purpose.
(d) Killing Abbott, Stevens, and Webb.

9. What does Bourne learn when he has Marie call Villiers?
(a) That Villiers is missing.
(b) That Villiers has killed the traitor.
(c) That Villiers works for Carlos.
(d) That Villiers has died.

10. Where is Bourne told to meet his contact?
(a) A police station.
(b) A hospital.
(c) A cemetery.
(d) A restaurant.

11. What does Bourne recall in the final pages of the novel?
(a) His own name
(b) His sister's name
(c) His brother's name
(d) His wife's name

12. Why does Bourne not kill his contact despite the fact that the contact tried to kill him?
(a) Because the man was a member of Operation Medusa
(b) Because the man is his friend.
(c) Because the man is his brother.
(d) Because the man is disabled.

13. What message does Carlos send to Bergeron?
(a) Go to London
(b) Go to Zurich
(c) Go to Athens
(d) Go to New York

14. What does D'Anjou reveal about Cain?
(a) He is a persona made up to replaceCarlos.
(b) He is a persona intended to keep Bourne from learning his real identity.
(c) He is a persona created to trick Marie into confessing to murder.
(d) He is a persona made up to catch Carlos.

15. Where does the Paris phone number that Bourne saw in Lavier's office ring into?
(a) The home of the French President.
(b) The home of Rene Bergeron.
(c) The home of General Villiers.
(d) The home of Lavier.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Gillette sell information about Cain and Treadstone?

2. What is Bourne's real name?

3. Who informs Carlos of Bourne's actions?

4. Who is the only person alive who can identify Carlos?

5. Who is contacted in response to Bourne's call?

(see the answer keys)

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