The Botany of Desire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Pollan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Botany of Desire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Pollan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The books suggests that all of the following are successful defenses plants have adopted except _______.
(a) Death-dealing toxins.
(b) Confound.
(c) Disable.
(d) Repel.

2. According to the book, some of the most bitter and "bad" plants are the ones that contain the most powerful _______.
(a) Herbs.
(b) Potions.
(c) Magic.
(d) Seeds.

3. Teaching men how to ferment the juice of the grape, ______ had brought civilization the gift of wine.
(a) Apollo.
(b) Zeus.
(c) Dionysus.
(d) Venus.

4. The book compares tulips in fields to ______ or lipsticks, merely flashes of bright color on the horizon.
(a) Paintbrushes.
(b) Lollipops.
(c) Eyeliner.
(d) Popsickles.

5. The consensus in Holland was that the tulip ______ was the most beautiful flower in the world and a masterpiece.
(a) Semper Augustus.
(b) Queen of Night.
(c) Queen of Darkness.
(d) Black Dahlia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Goats are associated with the discovery of _____, when it was observed they became frisky after eating the red berries.

2. In an attempt to look like decaying meat, a ______ plant has red and white striated coloring and a rancid smell.

3. Michael Pollen compares Chapman to the Greek mythological figures _______.

4. The tulip that Pollan has on his desk, a Queen of Night, has no ______, which he indicates is because it is meant to be visual.

5. Pollan asserts that due to the use of apple grafts from one generation to the next, the apple population has been made____.

(see the answer key)

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