The Bookseller of Kabul Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Åsne Seierstad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bookseller of Kabul Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Åsne Seierstad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Sultan's female relatives not dress up for his wedding to Sonya?
(a) They don't want to look better than Sonya.
(b) It's their family tradition.
(c) They can't afford nice clothes.
(d) They are rebeling against the marriage.

2. Who is given a bloody cloth after Shakila's wedding?
(a) Shakila.
(b) Shakila's father.
(c) Wakil's father.
(d) Wakil.

3. When did Sultan's book business first prosper?
(a) After the Soviets invaded.
(b) After the Afghan monarchy was abolished.
(c) In the 1960s.
(d) When the Afghan monarchy was in control.

4. What law is passed regarding kites when the Taliban enters Kabul in 1996?
(a) No flying kites on Saturdays.
(b) Only kites with the flag can be flown.
(c) Only men can fly kites.
(d) No flying kites.

5. In "Wedding", how must Shakila act toward her mother-in-law?
(a) She isn't allowed to speak to her.
(b) Like a servant.
(c) Pleased to be joining her family.
(d) Silent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sharifa do in Peshawar with the other women?

2. Why does Shakila's mother mourn after her wedding?

3. In "Wedding", what time of day is it when the groom and bride are painted with henna?

4. Who controls the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan?

5. How does Sultan travel to Pakistan in "The Business Trip"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sultan visit Lahore in "The Business Trip"?

2. In "The Matriarch", what does Bibi Gul fear?

3. What makes Bulbula difficult to marry?

4. Why does Bibi Gul receive a piece of cloth after Wakil's wedding?

5. What is Shakila's life like at school?

6. What is Shakila doing in "Billowing, Winding, Fluttering"?

7. In "Burning Books", why are Sultan's books burned?

8. What does Sultan do when he finally reaches Pakistan?

9. Why does Sultan's apartment building often go without electricity?

10. What does Sultan do when he wants to take a new wife in "The Proposal"?

(see the answer keys)

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