The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which church does Florence attend?
(a) Community Church.
(b) The Vicar.
(c) The Church of England.
(d) St. Edmunds.

2. Florence recalls an earlier conversation with Mr. Raven. What had he suggested to sell in The Bookshop?
(a) A green plant.
(b) The Town Crier.
(c) Lord Tennyson's Poetry.
(d) Lolita.

3. What picture is depicted on the tea tray which Florence uses in Chapter 5?
(a) The coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
(b) Two old fishermen.
(c) Tower of Big Ben.
(d) A London restaurant.

4. What trait does Mr. Brundish admire in Florence?
(a) Courage.
(b) Intelligence.
(c) Politeness.
(d) Shrewdness.

5. In what year and season is The Bookshop closed?
(a) Summer, 1960.
(b) Winter,1959.
(c) Spring, 1960.
(d) Winter, 1960.

6. What is the brand name of the paraffin heater?
(a) Bunsen.
(b) Nevercold.
(c) Trueheat.
(d) Oxford.

7. Who is a friend of the investor in the new book shop?
(a) Florence Green.
(b) Mr. Brundish.
(c) Violet Gamart.
(d) Mrs. Gipping.

8. In Florence's opinion who spends less time regretting decisions?
(a) Old people.
(b) Young people.
(c) Women.
(d) Men.

9. At the end of the story, what is not wanted in Hardborough?
(a) A new restaurant.
(b) A bookshop.
(c) A new city council.
(d) An art museum.

10. Who does Mr. Brundish visit at The Stead?
(a) Mrs. Gamart.
(b) Milo North.
(c) Florence Green.
(d) Mr. Brundish.

11. What constantly reminds Christine of her failure?
(a) The Bookshop.
(b) Mrs. Gipping.
(c) The town gossips.
(d) The square envelope.

12. At the beginning of Chapter 8, what form of communication do Florence and Mr. Thornton use?
(a) Messenger.
(b) Personal visits.
(c) Letters.
(d) Phone calls.

13. Who creates a fancy dress costume for a charity ball contest?
(a) Christine.
(b) Kattie.
(c) Mrs. Gamart.
(d) Florence.

14. After church Florence stops by Mrs. Gipping's house. What is Mrs. Gipping doing?
(a) Sitting on the porch.
(b) Talking to Christine.
(c) Pruning her holly bushes.
(d) Tending her celery.

15. In Chapter 8, what would shake Florence's sense of security if she stopped to think about her surroundings?
(a) Hostility from her alliances.
(b) Mrs. Gamart's sudden friendliness.
(c) Mr. Raven's hostility.
(d) Milo North's frequent shop visits.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Florence delivering to the Women's Institute?

2. Who delivers copies of Lolita to Flintmarket station?

3. In which month does Florence receive the invitation for tea at Mr. Brundish's house?

4. What is the center of the discussion at tea with Mr. Brundish?

5. Who houses the artwork that is taken from the Old House Bookshop?

(see the answer keys)

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