The Book of Tea Test | Final Test - Easy

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Tea Test | Final Test - Easy

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the tea room?
(a) Suki.
(b) Suzuki.
(c) Sukiya.
(d) Sushi.

2. Tea-masters were conscious of art as what?
(a) A living.
(b) A hobby.
(c) A sport.
(d) A form of entertainment.

3. The guests must hunch down to enter the ______________ door.
(a) One-foot-high.
(b) Three-foot-high.
(c) Four-foot-high.
(d) Two-foot-high.

4. As what is the portico used?
(a) A place for serving tea.
(b) A room for making tea.
(c) An art gallery.
(d) A waiting area for guests prior to tea being served.

5. How might a tea room appear to a Westerner?
(a) Quite exciting.
(b) Quite elaborate.
(c) Quite appealing.
(d) Quite barren.

6. What do the great masters never forget?
(a) They are special.
(b) They have been given a gift.
(c) They are making art for an audience.
(d) They are immortal.

7. Eastern plant care is an ancient art and treasured custom, and from this tea-masters have developed what is called what?
(a) The Cult of Flowers.
(b) The Church of Flowers.
(c) The Monastery of Flowers.
(d) The Temple of Flowers.

8. Who created the art of flower arrangement?
(a) Buddhist monks.
(b) Catholic priests.
(c) Hindu priests.
(d) Tea masters.

9. How many can a tea room accommodate?
(a) No more than ten people.
(b) No more than twenty people.
(c) No more than five people.
(d) No more than two people.

10. What happens when the flower withers?
(a) The plant is carefully buried.
(b) The plant is burned.
(c) The plant is thrown into the water.
(d) The plant is thrown away.

11. How might the flower be memorialized?
(a) With a song.
(b) With a poem.
(c) With a prayer.
(d) With a monument.

12. Okakura laments that the flower was born how?
(a) Bright and colorful.
(b) Small and beautiful.
(c) Scented.
(d) Helpless with no way to defend itself.

13. Okakura tells the story of the _________ Tea of Rikyu.
(a) Last.
(b) First.
(c) Only.
(d) Second.

14. The art of flower arrangement began with whom?
(a) Hindu priests.
(b) Christian disciples.
(c) Buddhist saints.
(d) Zennist monks.

15. What is kept in the anteroom?
(a) The tea cups.
(b) The tea.
(c) The tea bags.
(d) The tea utensils.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the host appear?

2. They also believed that art begins where?

3. Others were trying to create what feeling?

4. Okakura relates what Taoist tale?

5. Ultimately, what intermingle as to be indistinguishable?

(see the answer keys)

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