The Book of Tea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Tea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Cup of Humanity.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Okakura went to America with many _____________________ to sell to Americans.
(a) Prints.
(b) Drawings.
(c) Wares.
(d) Paintings.

2. What has been beneficial to this "religion of aestheticism?"
(a) Japan's influence on the continent.
(b) Japan's connection with China.
(c) Japan's isolation.
(d) Japan's Buddhist beliefs.

3. Why were they referred to in this way?
(a) They used tea for creative inspiration and contemplate tea itself, celebrating its essence.
(b) They used tea as an artistic medium.
(c) They discussed the aesthetic qualities of tea.
(d) They loved tea more than anything else.

4. When was this power of tea shown?
(a) By the late-1700s.
(b) By the late-1600s.
(c) By the late-1400s.
(d) By the late-1500s.

5. What is another side?
(a) The self-assured.
(b) The sentimentalist.
(c) The knowing one.
(d) The friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did some people call tea?

2. How did tea grew in popularity?

3. Okakura used tea as a symbol for what in East Asia?

4. A typical Westerner might see in the tea ceremony a certain ____________________________ that he would then equate to the entire culture of Japan and its people.

5. Who has developed a whole host of bizarre and incorrect stereotypes for Asians?

(see the answer key)

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