The Book of Longings Test | Final Test - Medium

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Longings Test | Final Test - Medium

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Jesus and Ana do on the one-year anniversary of their baby's death?
(a) Have another baby.
(b) To to the Temple to make an offering.
(c) Go to her burial place and collect her bones, putting them into a limestone ossuary.
(d) Make a gravestone for the baby.

2. Who does Lavi tell Ana is in charge of selling Ana's old family home for Haran?
(a) Mark.
(b) Farley.
(c) Apion.
(d) Lucien.

3. What does Ana do in the Temple that causes chaos just before Passover?
(a) Preaches from the pulpit.
(b) Cooks dinner for everyone.
(c) Steals the money.
(d) Lets all the animals out of the pen.

4. What does Jesus bring for Ana after she runs out of writing materials?
(a) Stone potsherds.
(b) Fine paper.
(c) Ivory.
(d) Sand.

5. What is Ana's first indication that she is pregnant?
(a) Her stomach grows.
(b) She vomits one morning.
(c) She has a vision telling her she is pregnant.
(d) She faints.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many copies of official documents does Haran say a wise man possesses?

2. What food is traditional for Ana's people to eat at Passover?

3. Who does Jesus leave Nazareth to become a follower of in Part III?

4. What was Tabitha's plan after running away from slavery?

5. Who do Ana and Jesus come upon in the road on the way to Bethany?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Judas say Herod Antipas is looking to dispose of his wife Phasaelis?

2. How does Ana feel when Judas brings news of her mother's death, and how does Ana's mother die?

3. What are Haran's conditions for letting Yaltha and Ana stay with him?

4. What is Ana's first impression of Alexandria?

5. Where do Ana and Yaltha eventually find Yaltha's daughter, and how does she react to them?

6. What do Ana and Yaltha do to try to find Yaltha's long-lost daughter?

7. What secret does Yaltha tell Ana immediately following the death of Ana's baby?

8. What gift does Mary, Jesus's friend, give to Tabitha and why is it significant?

9. What effect does Jesus's time with John the Immerser have on his life path?

10. Why does James hesitate to summon Jesus back from his work after the death of Ana's baby?

(see the answer keys)

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