The Book of Joy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Joy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Dalai Lama say he goes through when he prays five times each day?
(a) Incense.
(b) Prayer mats.
(c) Many candles.
(d) A symbolic death and rebirth cycle.

2. What does the Dalai Lama say is the advantage to having something go wrong?
(a) It helps people laugh more.
(b) It reminds us of the uncertainty of life.
(c) People drop their pretenses and act more normal, easing the tension.
(d) It helps people to try to solve problems together.

3. What position did Nelson Mandela hold when he was imprisoned on Robben Island?
(a) Chief Architect of Capetown.
(b) President of South Africa.
(c) Commander in Chief of the Military Wing of the ANC.
(d) Chairperson of the Freedom Fighters.

4. What beverage does Archbishop Tutu have a fondness for?
(a) Seltzer water.
(b) Orange juice.
(c) Coke Zero.
(d) Lemonade.

5. What injury does Abrams say his own father suffered recently?
(a) Torn ligament in the shoulder.
(b) Broken leg.
(c) Broken wrist.
(d) Traumatic brain injury.

6. Why does the Dalai Lama say impermanence happens?
(a) Because of anger.
(b) Because of interdependence.
(c) Because of gratitude.
(d) Because of disease.

7. Who was a college classmate of Abrams's who was killed in South Africa?
(a) Mary Robinson.
(b) Robin Gillson.
(c) Gene Rowland.
(d) Amy Biehl.

8. What does the Dalai Lama recall the Tibetan saying about wisdom says?
(a) Wisdom is like storytelling - it requires a group of people to work well.
(b) Wisdom is like hard work - it yields great benefits.
(c) Wisdom is like rainwater - both gather in low places.
(d) Wisdom is like rice - it is better when shared.

9. What does Jinpa say there is no room for in life when one becomes a refugee?
(a) Pretense.
(b) Bitterness.
(c) Anger.
(d) Fear.

10. Which doctor of the Dalai Lama's does Archbishop Tutu see in Dharamsala?
(a) Yeshi Dhonden.
(b) Benito Murlo.
(c) Morris Forworn.
(d) Virgil Maglio.

11. What was the Dalai Lama disguised in when he fled from Tibet in 1959?
(a) A Tibetan soldier's clothing.
(b) A priest's clothing.
(c) A Tibetan doctor's clothing.
(d) Tibetan layman's clothes.

12. What does the Dalai Lama say happens to a person who cares only for himself?
(a) He becomes powerful.
(b) He shrivels.
(c) He becomes forgetful.
(d) He thrives.

13. What famous honor did both Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama both receive?
(a) The Best in Faith Profiles Award.
(b) The Congressional Medal of Freedom.
(c) The Nobel Peace Prize.
(d) The Pulitzer Prize.

14. What disease did Archbishop Tutu suffer from as a child?
(a) Malaria.
(b) Measles.
(c) Scarlet Fever.
(d) Polio.

15. In Part III, a Tibetan goes that adversities can turn into which of the following?
(a) Fear.
(b) Good opportunities.
(c) Anger.
(d) Suffering.

Short Answer Questions

1. What disease did Archbishop Tutu have to go to a special hospital to be treated for when he was a child?

2. What kind of a world does Brother Steindl-Rast say a grateful world is?

3. What is the root of the word humor?

4. What does Abrams write that he is tempted to see humor as a universal index of?

5. Which of the following is a pillar of the heart?

(see the answer keys)

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