The Book of Joy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Joy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the concept of Ubuntu?
(a) A person is a person through other persons.
(b) The only true joy is in children's eyes.
(c) One needs to complete school before getting married.
(d) Praying three times a day is required.

2. What has been the evolutionary advantage of fear and anxiety, according to Archbishop Tutu?
(a) Finding food.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Tribalism.
(d) Survival.

3. What is one translation of mudita that the Dalai Lama brings up in relation to envy?
(a) Sympathetic joy, or taking pleasure in someone else's good fortune.
(b) The desire to see your children succeed.
(c) The feeling of pleasure at someone else's misfortune.
(d) The need to have someone else depend on you.

4. Where does the Dalai Lama celebrate his eightieth birthday?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) His birthplace in Tibet.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) The Tibetan Children's Village in India.

5. Which researcher found that mild sadness can have some surprising benefits?
(a) Sanglen Fonard.
(b) Julia Mills.
(c) Francine Swede.
(d) Joseph Forgas.

6. What does the Dalai Lama say is an artificial posture that he rejects in favor of breaking down barriers between himself and others?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Formality.
(c) Hand-shaking.
(d) Tradition.

7. What did the Buddha tell the woman who had lost her child in the Dalai Lama's story?
(a) To find another child to raise in her first child's place.
(b) To pray at her child's gravestone and he would rise again.
(c) To give her life to God, and this would make her happy.
(d) To find mustard seeds from a house that had not been touched by death. When she could not, she realized she was not alone in her suffering.

8. Which American civil rights leader is one of Archbishop Tutu's heroes?
(a) Bayard Rustin.
(b) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(c) Robert F. Kennedy.
(d) Rosa Parks.

9. How long does the Dalai Lama tell Tutu he prays for every day upon waking?
(a) 8 hours.
(b) 3 hours.
(c) 1 hour.
(d) 5 hours.

10. What is Archbishop Tutu's advice for people in dealing with their own negative thoughts?
(a) People should not berate themselves for negative thoughts because they are inevitable.
(b) Negative thoughts should never be acted out.
(c) Prayer can help get rid of any negative thought.
(d) People should seek therapy to get rid of their negative thoughts.

11. Who is one of the world's leading experts on the science of the unconscious?
(a) Rowley Hawkins.
(b) Bergman Nord.
(c) Jennifer Hutchins.
(d) John Bargh.

12. Which sociologist's research on loneliness does Abrams cite in Part II?
(a) Lynn Smith-Lovin.
(b) Biran Mowley.
(c) Lauren Squandre.
(d) James Lavin.

13. What is the Buddhist phrase for taking pleasure in others' good fortune?
(a) Setu.
(b) Mafala.
(c) Mudita.
(d) Ramala.

14. Which country invaded Tibet, causing the Dalai Lama to go into exile in India?
(a) Iran.
(b) Russia.
(c) Hungary.
(d) China.

15. What have scientists discovered too much stress does to a specific part of our biological makeup?
(a) Wears down the telomeres.
(b) Constricts blood vessels in the legs.
(c) Causes our pupils to dilate.
(d) Causes our white blood cells to grow bigger.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part I, what does Tutu say is the source of many things that undermine people's joy and happiness?

2. What does Abrams's friend Gordon Wheeler say grief is the reminder of?

3. What is the Dalai Lama's birth name?

4. What paradox surrounding loneliness does the Dalai Lama speak of in Part II?

5. How long had the Dalai Lama been in exile at the time of the book's writing?

(see the answer keys)

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