The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Hard

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The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Montgomery reads the papers, what depresses him?

2. Who emerges from the kitchen as Charlie is speaking to Montgomery about his crime?

3. How does Charlie always like to think about himself in reference to Montgomery's family?

4. What does Montgomery hit his victim with?

5. What is Montgomery afraid to do after he finds blood on his fingers?

Short Essay Questions

1. As the maid fights back at Montgomery after he shoves her in the car, he says he sees her as a "cornered heroine in a melodrama." Do you think this is an appropriate description of his victim?

2. As Charlie cooks breakfast, Montgomery says he feels a "weepy regard" for Charlie. Why would he feel this way?

3. After reading the version of the confession written by the police, Montgomery says "they have made a murderer out of him." What is the irony in this statement?

4. What do the mites Montgomery says are living on his skin symbolize?

5. As he is leaving the scene of his crime, Montgomery realizes "that the fat, foul-mouthed, inner man has burst out." What he is talking about?

6. It is no secret that Montgomery is angry at the world and feels he is owed something. How would killing this innocent person be revenge enough on the world for his alter ego Billy Bunter or Montgomery himself?

7. Using your knowledge of Montgomery's history with women, why would he choose the "Portrait of the Woman with Gloves" rather than another?

8. For what reasons would the drop of blood Montgomery discovers on his finger cause him to go into a paranoid state?

9. How is Montgomery foreshadowing his guilt by saying he had been "unknowingly leaving behind a trail of evidence rather than his troubles" as he leaves the village?

10. Charlie tells Montgomery that the police brought Charlie into the station and Montgomery thinks Charlie is talking about the train station. What does this tell you about the mindset of Montgomery?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Create a character sketch of Montgomery. What makes his mind work? How does he view himself? How do others view him? What is important to him?

Essay Topic 2

A setting is an important part of a novel. Many times the setting sets the mood of the story. What is the setting of "The Book of Evidence"? How does the setting develop the mood of the novel? What is the mood of the novel? Why is the mood an important part of the plot?

Essay Topic 3

Foreshadowing is an effective tool used by the writer. Montgomery foreshadows his crime and punishment in several areas of the novel. What are some examples of foreshadowing in the novel? How is foreshadowing effectively used in the story?

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