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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Charlie French take Montgomery as a kid?
2. What does Montgomery say words are?
3. Why can't Montgomery find a synonym for badness in the dictionary?
4. How does the person who supplied the money for Montgomery's loan feel about not being paid back?
5. What happens in Montgomery's recurring dream about his father?
Short Essay Questions
1. Montgomery's counsel forces him to say that he wanted to kill his father so he could marry his mother. Montgomery claims this isn't true. Why would his counsel force him to tell this lie?
2. What reasoning would Montgomery have for comparing Anna Behrens to a "lonely prisoner in her magic castle in need of rescuing"?
3. Montgomery says that words are a luxury. Considering his current situation, how is this an example of foreshadowing?
4. Why does the author have Montgomery tell the part about walking in on Joanne naked?
5. The stable hand, Joanne, is very kind to his mother. This makes Montgomery very uncomfortable. Why would Montgomery be uncomfortable with the stable hand's kindness?
6. Montgomery goes into a fantasy about being by his father's side when he died when in fact he wasn't in the city. Why does Montgomery tell this story?
7. Montgomery has the feeling he is about to do something very bad. Why is this ironic?
8. Mr. Behrens says the paintings he bought from Montgomery's mother were "not suited to be at Whitewater." How is this statement ironic to Montgomery's sense of reality?
9. Why does Montgomery feel it's necessary to share his dreams with the court?
10. Why does Montgomery feel the need to describe his mother as "statuesque"?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Truth and honesty are major themes in the novel. What characters believe in truth and honesty? How does Montgomery manipulate the truth for his benefit? Does Montgomery understand the concept of truth? Why or why not? Does Montgomery even believe himself? Does the truth prevail at the end of the novel?
Essay Topic 2
Guilt is another theme to the novel. There are times where Montgomery feels guilt and other times when he places it on others. Discuss some examples when Montgomery feels guilt for his crimes. Why does he feel guilty sometimes and then not at others? What does Montgomery's lack of guilt say about him as a character?
Essay Topic 3
Foreshadowing is an effective tool used by the writer. Montgomery foreshadows his crime and punishment in several areas of the novel. What are some examples of foreshadowing in the novel? How is foreshadowing effectively used in the story?
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