The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Montgomery's mother leave Coolgrange to when she dies?
(a) Just the stable hand.
(b) Montgomery only.
(c) Charlie French.
(d) The stable hand Daphne and her grandson.

2. What other things does Montgomery think about the day of his capture?
(a) His childhood.
(b) His son.
(c) His father.
(d) His wife.

3. What have the police done in their version of his confession?
(a) Pick out all his faults.
(b) Make a murderer out of him.
(c) Make him look like a crazy person.
(d) Make him look innocent.

4. How does Charlie always like to think about himself in reference to Montgomery's family?
(a) As just an acquaintance.
(b) As a neighbor.
(c) As an old family friend.
(d) As a business partner with Montgomery's parents.

5. What does Montgomery says he was thinking about on his way to Whitewater?
(a) The crime he was about to commit.
(b) That it was a beautiful day for a ride.
(c) Nothing, he was just enjoying the ride.
(d) He couldn't wait to see Anna.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Montgomery feel about this situation with the stolen painting and a hostage?

2. What stops Montgomery from stealing the Portrait of a Woman with Gloves?

3. What does Montgomery do after tossing out his breakfast when Charlie leaves?

4. How does Montgomery view Charlie as he makes him breakfast?

5. How does Montgomery react to Charlie's questioning?

Short Essay Questions

1. After reading the version of the confession written by the police, Montgomery says "they have made a murderer out of him." What is the irony in this statement?

2. Montgomery begins to get the feeling that Charlie is ignoring him. For what reasons would Charlie avoid Montgomery?

3. Montgomery describes his fondness for his old family friend Charlie French, yet at the same time he doesn't forgive Charlie for a previous situation. What does this inner conflict tell the reader about Montgomery?

4. What clues are presented during the dinner party that Montgomery's fantasy relationship with Charlie may be more realistic than the reader is led to think?

5. How is Montgomery foreshadowing his guilt by saying he had been "unknowingly leaving behind a trail of evidence rather than his troubles" as he leaves the village?

6. Montgomery talks about his victim after reading the newspapers, yet he doesn't voice any opinion about her. However, Montgomery does voice his opinion on what was said or not said about himself. What does this tell the reader about Montgomery?

7. As Charlie cooks breakfast, Montgomery says he feels a "weepy regard" for Charlie. Why would he feel this way?

8. The lawyers on both sides of Montgomery's case want to plead the case out. Montgomery believes this is to protect Charlie French and Max Molyneaux and is against the idea. Why wouldn't Montgomery want to protect these two men?

9. How is Montgomery's recurring dream of being falsely accused of murder an example of foreshadowing for the situation he finds himself in at the current time?

10. It is no secret that Montgomery is angry at the world and feels he is owed something. How would killing this innocent person be revenge enough on the world for his alter ego Billy Bunter or Montgomery himself?

(see the answer keys)

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