The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Book of Evidence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Montgomery find when he breaks into Charlie's desk?
(a) Embarrassing pictures.
(b) Hundreds of dollars.
(c) Letters from his lover.
(d) Notes from his mother.

2. How does Montgomery react to Charlie's questioning?
(a) He denies everything.
(b) He gets angry.
(c) He becomes very defensive.
(d) He becomes very apologetic.

3. How does Montgomery react as he is arrested?
(a) He is upset and crying.
(b) He is quiet and calm.
(c) He is happy and joking with the officers.
(d) He is violent.

4. Who arrives at Wally's Pub as Montgomery sits there after fleeing his crime?
(a) Daphne.
(b) Mr. Behrens.
(c) Charlie French.
(d) The stable hand.

5. What does Montgomery says he was thinking about on his way to Whitewater?
(a) The crime he was about to commit.
(b) That it was a beautiful day for a ride.
(c) Nothing, he was just enjoying the ride.
(d) He couldn't wait to see Anna.

6. What does Charlie realize about Montgomery as he gets ready to leave for work?
(a) That Montgomery plans on leaving immediately.
(b) That Montgomery is going to go with him to work.
(c) That Montgomery is in love with him.
(d) That Montgomery plans on staying with him.

7. Who does Charlie claim was fond of Montgomery's mother?
(a) Only Binkie Behrens.
(b) No one.
(c) Only Montgomery's father.
(d) Himself and Binkie Behrens.

8. What does Montgomery think the only thing that will make up for what he's done is?
(a) Bringing his victim back to life.
(b) Being freed to make up for his crime by doing good for others.
(c) Going to jail for the rest his life.
(d) His dying also.

9. What does Montgomery's counsel want to do?
(a) Hire another lawyer.
(b) Quit.
(c) Accept a plea bargain.
(d) Plead for insanity.

10. How does Montgomery feel about Charlie French?
(a) He is jealous of him.
(b) He is very fond of him.
(c) He hates him.
(d) He admires him.

11. What does Montgomery think about his own crime?
(a) He didn't commit a crime.
(b) It is surreal.
(c) It is unforgivable.
(d) It is justified.

12. Why can't Montgomery really think about his crime?
(a) He's not really sure what he's admitting.
(b) He doesn't think anyone will believe his story.
(c) He gets pleasure out of keeping it his secret.
(d) He can't believe it's true.

13. Where does Montgomery think he is when he wakes up in Charlie's house?
(a) At a motel.
(b) Home in the Mediterranean.
(c) Back in the United States.
(d) At Coolgrange.

14. How does Charlie always like to think about himself in reference to Montgomery's family?
(a) As a neighbor.
(b) As a business partner with Montgomery's parents.
(c) As an old family friend.
(d) As just an acquaintance.

15. Why does Montgomery believe the opposing counsel is making him offers?
(a) To protect Charlie's reputation.
(b) Because they think he is insane.
(c) They think he is innocent.
(d) To save the state money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Montgomery is speaking in the present day at court. He's already talked about one dream he has, but decides to share another he has a couple of times a year. What is the recurring dream that Montgomery tells the reader about this time?

2. What does Montgomery hit his victim with?

3. Montgomery hits his victim repeatedly and decides to leave the car. What is he expecting as he considers abandoning the victim and his car?

4. At first Montgomery believes he is in shock, but what does he decide the feeling really is?

5. Why won't Montgomery sign the typed confession the police hand him?

(see the answer keys)

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