The Book of Evidence Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Book of Evidence Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Section 3 (pages 40-52).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Montgomery feel his trip will appear to others?
(a) He is lucky to be going.
(b) He is running away.
(c) He must be very wealthy.
(d) He is stressed and needs a break.

2. Why does Montgomery describe his mother with caution?
(a) He knows psychologists will be in the courtroom.
(b) He doesn't want to offend her.
(c) He doesn't exactly know how to describe her.
(d) He knows she is sensitive.

3. Who does Montgomery meet while in the Mediterranean that he finds interesting?
(a) He meets his soul mate.
(b) He meets his favorite actor.
(c) He meets the president of the United States.
(d) He meets the person that lent Randolph the money for his loan.

4. Who is the first witness called to the stand?
(a) Daphne.
(b) Dolly.
(c) Montgomery.
(d) Charlie French.

5. How did Montgomery's father die?
(a) Alone, while no one was looking.
(b) In a hospital with plenty of doctors.
(c) On the streets, homeless.
(d) With his whole family by his side.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Montgomery do when he first sees Charlie French that surprises himself?

2. What do Montgomery and his father share?

3. What profession does Montgomery claim to have?

4. How do people at the university feel about Montgomery?

5. How does Montgomery describe his father's appearance?

(see the answer key)

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