The Book of Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Dust Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who betrays Malcolm and Lyra to the League of St. Alexander?
(a) Andrew.
(b) Jeffrey.
(c) Gunnar.
(d) Axel.

2. In what manner is Gerard trying to sneak into a building when Malcolm and Asta witness Gerard's attempt?
(a) Through the door.
(b) Into the cellar.
(c) Through the window.
(d) Through the chimney.

3. Who is said to be in charge at the priory?
(a) Sister Benedicta.
(b) Mother Superior.
(c) Sister Miller.
(d) Sister Flemma.

4. When Malcolm and Hannah discuss the alethiometer in Chapter 11, what do they agree can have multiple meanings?
(a) Symbols.
(b) Communications.
(c) Signs.
(d) Signals.

5. Alice diagnoses Sister Fenella with what malady?
(a) Dysentery.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Influenza.
(d) Schizophrenia.

6. The title of Chapter 13 includes a reference to what meaty substance?
(a) Salami.
(b) Goose liver pate.
(c) Bologna.
(d) Meatballs.

7. When Hannah approaches the people inside the vehicle parked nearby her home, from what organization do they claim to be?
(a) The CCD.
(b) The Brytish Medical Association.
(c) The Environmental Protection Agency.
(d) The Secret Police.

8. How many rowers question Malcolm and the others as they hide inside the pharmacy?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 8.
(d) 2.

9. The light from what source betrays the location of Malcolm and his companions when they are hiding in the cellar?
(a) The moon.
(b) A candle.
(c) A fire in the fireplace.
(d) A torch.

10. Who detects the presence of Malcolm and his companions inside the cellar?
(a) Axel.
(b) Gunnar.
(c) Gerard.
(d) Lord Nugent.

11. The title of Chapter 12 includes whose name?
(a) Alice.
(b) Asta.
(c) Gunnar.
(d) Axel.

12. In what area of the canoe does Malcolm find an object near the beginning of Chapter 16?
(a) Taped to the right paddle of the canoe.
(b) Taped to the left paddle of the canoe.
(c) Underneath Malcolm's sweater.
(d) On the floor of the canoe.

13. In Chapter 19, who asks Malcolm if he would like a biscuit?
(a) Alice.
(b) Lyra.
(c) Lord Nugent.
(d) Hannah.

14. What type of building is featured within the title of Chapter 15?
(a) A potting shed.
(b) A guest house.
(c) A tool shed.
(d) A rectory.

15. From what room had Malcolm earlier grabbed the weapon he uses to injure Gerard?
(a) The conservatory.
(b) The parlor.
(c) The kitchen.
(d) The study.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the men who take Lyra said to be wearing?

2. When Malcolm first hears the sound of a vehicle behind the canoe, to what does he attribute the sound?

3. What two groups of people does Malcolm try to warn about the impending catastrophe in Chapter 14?

4. In Chapter 12, Malcolm and Asta see Gerard trying to sneak into what building?

5. About what topic do the witches have a prophecy?

(see the answer keys)

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