The Book and the Brotherhood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book and the Brotherhood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tamar invite for tea in this section?
(a) Gerard.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Father McAlister.
(d) Jean.

2. What problem do Rose and Gerard try to solve?
(a) Tamar's abortion.
(b) Jenkin's death.
(c) Crimond's disappearance.
(d) Jean and Duncan's love.

3. Where does Gerard want go on holiday with Jenkin?
(a) Florence.
(b) Rome.
(c) Barcelona.
(d) Madrid.

4. What does Tamar begin to question in this section?
(a) Adoption.
(b) Snails.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Academia,

5. Who does the brotherhood believe killed Jenkin?
(a) Crimond.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Gulliver.
(d) Gerard.

6. Who does Jenkin say thinks he is a fool?
(a) Crimond.
(b) Jean.
(c) Gerard.
(d) Rose.

7. What kind of game does Crimond propose him and Duncan play?
(a) Charades.
(b) Russian Roulette.
(c) Horsey.
(d) Strip Poker.

8. Who rescues Jean?
(a) Jenkin.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Gerard.
(d) Rose.

9. Who are experiencing problems with their relationship?
(a) Jean and Duncan.
(b) Crimond and Rose.
(c) Gerard and Jenkin.
(d) Gulliver and Lily.

10. What does Lily think snails have the ability to do?
(a) Read Greek.
(b) Make people fall in love.
(c) Read people's minds.
(d) Send messages between people.

11. What does Duncan feel no remorse for?
(a) Tamar's abortion.
(b) Crimond's death.
(c) His wife's affair.
(d) His affair with Tamar.

12. Where does Jenkin say he is going on holiday?
(a) India.
(b) Spain.
(c) Germany.
(d) Morocco.

13. What does Tamar resume in this section?
(a) Her relationship with her father.
(b) Her job.
(c) Her relationship with Conrad.
(d) Her studies.

14. What does Crimond tell Jean it is best to choose?
(a) One's family.
(b) One's exit.
(c) One's love.
(d) One's choices.

15. What does Crimond tell Jean he wants instead of toast?
(a) Bacon.
(b) Eggs.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Tea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What city do Jean and Duncan live in?

2. What does Jean swerve into?

3. Who does Jenkin say laughs at him?

4. What does Jean feel about Duncan's affair with Tamar?

5. Who is Jenkin thinking about while Tamar confesses her secret?

(see the answer keys)

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