The Boleyn Inheritance Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boleyn Inheritance Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Katherine think Anne did wrong?
(a) Objected to the King's mistresses too much.
(b) Came to England when she was contracted to marry another man.
(c) Stuck her nose into politics.
(d) Failed to invite the King to her bed.

2. With the presence of Katherine's friends, what has happened to the royal court?
(a) It has become dangerous.
(b) It has become immoral.
(c) It has become boring.
(d) It has become focused on the arts.

3. What claim is made in order to have Henry's marriage to Anne annulled?
(a) That Anne bewitched Henry with witchcraft.
(b) That Henry became impotent with Anne.
(c) That Anne was already married.
(d) That the priest who took their marriage vows was a fake.

4. Who believes Katherine will bring status to her family?
(a) Jane.
(b) Henry.
(c) The Duke of Norfolk.
(d) Katherine's grandmother.

5. What does Jane act delighted to see out of her window?
(a) The King approaching.
(b) A building burning down.
(c) A crowd shouting obscenities at her.
(d) Workmen building Katherine's scaffold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jane do to try and appear crazy?

2. What does Anne warn Katherine not to speak of because it is treasonous?

3. When Jane reports to Norfolk in July 1541, what does he want to know from her?

4. Why doesn't Jane think she will be punished for her part in Katherine's affair?

5. Where does the King worry there may be an uprising in March 1541?

Short Essay Questions

1. What will Henry give Anne as part of their marriage settlement? Why does Anne find this amusing?

2. What action does Henry take against Katherine's brother and his lover, Lady Margaret Douglas?

3. What disappoints Katherine about her marriage ceremony?

4. What does Ambassador Harst tell Anne the King is distressed by in Spring 1541?

5. What is Jane haunted by at the Tower?

6. What does Norfolk tell Jane when she inquires about arranging her marriage?

7. What does Katherine think of her chances of getting pregnant by her husband? What does Anne warn Katherine about on this topic?

8. What does the King worry about Anne's brother? How does Anne try to put his worries to rest?

9. Why does Anne hesitate to accept Henry's invitation to go on with his court to the north in June 1541?

10. What is Anne accused of in February 1542?

(see the answer keys)

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