The Boleyn Inheritance Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boleyn Inheritance Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is said to follow after a Tudor-Howard marriage?
(a) War.
(b) Death.
(c) Plague.
(d) Prosperity.

2. When Francis and Thomas plead innocence, who acts as their judge?
(a) Cromwell.
(b) The Archbishop of Canterbury.
(c) The King.
(d) The Duke of Norfolk.

3. Who has Katherine's brother had an affair with?
(a) Mary Grey.
(b) Margaret Douglas.
(c) Catherine Carey.
(d) Arabella Stuart.

4. What does Anne believe is souring England's prosperity?
(a) Katherine's inability to give Henry an heir.
(b) The King's desire for wealth.
(c) Religion.
(d) The King's hatred.

5. What crime does Norfolk tell Jane Culpepper is guilty of?
(a) Thieving.
(b) Extortion.
(c) Rape.
(d) Treason.

6. How does Katherine feel about Anne?
(a) She is annoyed by her.
(b) She distrusts her.
(c) She worries about her foolishness.
(d) She cares for her.

7. Who invites Anne to go with the royal court to the north in June 1541?
(a) The Duke of Norfolk.
(b) The Lord Chamberlain.
(c) The King.
(d) The Archbishop of Canterbury.

8. What does Jane do to try and appear crazy?
(a) Dresses up in her bedclothes.
(b) Shouts nonsense out her window.
(c) Laughs and skips.
(d) Talks to her hand.

9. What was the topic of conversation at Katherine's wedding breakfast?
(a) Thomas Cromwell's beheading.
(b) The war with France.
(c) The King's desire for a male heir.
(d) The uprising in the north.

10. According to Jane, why does Katherine cry at night?
(a) With sadness for disappointing Henry.
(b) With homesickness.
(c) With guilt for her affairs.
(d) With lust for Culpepper.

11. What does the archbishop threaten Katherine with for her supposed crime?
(a) Torture.
(b) The scaffold.
(c) Excommunication.
(d) Life in exile.

12. How old is Katherine when she marries Henry?
(a) Thirteen years old.
(b) Twenty years old.
(c) Eighteen years old.
(d) Fifteen years old.

13. Where is Jane taken in November 1541?
(a) To her parents.
(b) To the castle dungeon.
(c) To a convent.
(d) To the Tower.

14. What does Katherine realize about what happened to Anne Boleyn in April 1941?
(a) That Henry orchestrated the whole thing.
(b) That the same thing will happen to her.
(c) That Anne must have been guilty.
(d) That Jane must have testified against Anne.

15. Who previously stayed in the three rooms Katherine is confined to in November 1541?
(a) Anne Boleyn.
(b) Margaret Pole.
(c) Lady Margaret Douglas.
(d) Catherine of Aragon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Jane determined to do before she is punished for her part in Katherine's affair?

2. What does one of Katherine's ladies suggest the King is missing?

3. How old is Margaret Pole when Henry has her executed?

4. What opinion of Katherine does Jane share with the Duke?

5. What does Henry promise Katherine after learning she is pregnant?

(see the answer keys)

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