The Boat Test | Final Test - Easy

Nam Le
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boat Test | Final Test - Easy

Nam Le
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the man who approaches Sarah at the airport at the start of “Tehran Calling” tell her he is?
(a) Her cab driver.
(b) Parvin’s friend.
(c) Her fiancé.
(d) A police officer.

2. Truong becomes to weak to do what toward the end of “The Boat”?
(a) Swallow water.
(b) Run.
(c) Smile.
(d) Sing.

3. What insects do Mayako and the other children catch at the Temple?
(a) Caterpillars.
(b) Dragon Flies.
(c) Spiders.
(d) Ants.

4. What does Mahmoud show Sarah to prove that Parvin had sent him?
(a) His I.D.
(b) A letter from Parvin.
(c) A Polaroid of Sarah and Parvin.
(d) Parvin’s I.D.

5. Where does Quyen assume Mai is going?
(a) America.
(b) Europe.
(c) Australia.
(d) Malaysia.

6. How many days worth of water does Anh Phuoc tell Mai and Quyen they have on the boat when he gives water to Truong in the pilothouse?
(a) 7.
(b) 14.
(c) 0.
(d) 2.

7. In what state did Paul’s family have a home which he and Sarah would go to yearly?
(a) Maine.
(b) Vermont.
(c) New Hampshire.
(d) Massachusetts.

8. What is Mai sure her father would not do when Anh Phuoc says that you must denounce everything in re-education camps?
(a) Stay in the camp.
(b) Denounce her.
(c) Denounce anything.
(d) Disobey orders.

9. What was Sarah’s occupation at Pearson, Peelle and Sloss?
(a) Paralegal.
(b) Administrative Assistant.
(c) Banker.
(d) Lawyer.

10. How are Roya and Parvin related?
(a) Roya is her daughter.
(b) Roya is her biological sister.
(c) Roya is her niece.
(d) Roya had been married to Parvin’s older brother.

11. Who is the leader of the boat?
(a) Truong.
(b) Quyen.
(c) Anh Phuoc.
(d) Mai.

12. What are people on the boat doing as a result of the storm?
(a) Vomiting.
(b) Jumping off.
(c) Screaming.
(d) Huddling close together.

13. Where did Quyen tell Mai Truong’s father had escaped to an awaited them?
(a) Pulau Bidong.
(b) Pulau Tengah.
(c) Pulau Besar.
(d) Australia.

14. What did Parvin decide the day her best friend’s apartment building was bombed?
(a) She would fight in a war.
(b) She needed to leave the country some day.
(c) She would start a radio program.
(d) She would become an activist.

15. What do the people in the temple repeat every morning?
(a) The Imperial Educational Transcript.
(b) The Imperial Prayer.
(c) The Imperial Mobilization Mantra.
(d) The Imperial Rescript on Education.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before Mai leaves for the boat, what did Mai’s uncle tell her she must do as soon as she reaches land?

2. Whose expression does Mai realize Truong resembles?

3. Who is telling the girls to keep their back straight while cleaning the floors at the beginning of “Hiroshima”?

4. How many people are on the boat in a space made for 15 when Mai first gets on?

5. As Parvin, Sarah, and Mahmoud walk through a mourning procession, Sarah sees people throw what “over their shoulders like dinner jackets” (188)?

(see the answer keys)

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