The Boat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nam Le
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nam Le
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Jamie’s father’s occupation when they first moved to Halflead Bay?
(a) Mechanic.
(b) Fisherman.
(c) Carpenter.
(d) Police officer.

2. Who introduced Henry to Olivia 18 years prior?
(a) James Applemen.
(b) Jacob Ames.
(c) Jacob Apelman.
(d) Jason Apelman.

3. What is the reason the buyers decide against purchasing Jamie’s family’s home in Halflead Bay?
(a) The price is too high.
(b) His mother scares them off.
(c) His father scares them off.
(d) The house needs too much work.

4. What was found near Dory and his uncle’s house that gives Jamie a chill to think of when talking with Alison?
(a) The body of a dog.
(b) The body of an old lady.
(c) The body of a young woman.
(d) The body of a young man.

5. What does Jamie get praised for in the school auditorium at the beginning of “Halflead Bay”?
(a) Having perfect attendance.
(b) Scoring the winning goal.
(c) Being valedictorian.
(d) Earning a full scholarship to Harvard.

6. What is one of the things Nam tries to hide from his father when he first arrives at his apartment?
(a) His money.
(b) His computer.
(c) A bottle of Johnnie Walker.
(d) His writing.

7. What is Jamie’s nickname, which he is upset to find out his father knows when he hears him telling his mother about it during the storm?
(a) Loose Ball Jamie.
(b) Loose Cannon Jamie.
(c) No Game Jamie.
(d) No Goals Jamie.

8. What does Cale tell Jamie about his dead girlfriend whose necklace he wears?
(a) He made her up.
(b) She committed suicide.
(c) He killed her.
(d) She is alive and lives in Cairns.

9. What does Jamie’s mother do to the seagull after Jamie is unable to kill it?
(a) She shoots it.
(b) She cuts its throat.
(c) She stomps its head.
(d) She throws it back in the water.

10. Which former member of the group does the narrator of Cartagena say he does not wish to think about when reflecting on other missing members?
(a) Eduardo.
(b) Hernando.
(c) Carlos.
(d) Salesio.

11. What do Claudia and Eduardo do to the target before they leave him?
(a) They punch him in the head.
(b) They kick him in the chest.
(c) They hit him with clubs.
(d) They spit on him.

12. Who is Dory’s friend, whom Michael tells Jamie saw him with Alison?
(a) Lester.
(b) Vance.
(c) Wilhelm.
(d) Cale.

13. How many stories has Nam written in the year he has spent at the writing workshop?
(a) 25.
(b) Hundreds.
(c) 0.
(d) 3 1/2.

14. How old was Olivia when she and Henry first met and she modeled for him?
(a) 17.
(b) 30.
(c) 25.
(d) 21.

15. Who is Nam’s girlfriend?
(a) Linda.
(b) Lulu.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Laura.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name does the narrator go by as explained in the middle of the story Cartagena?

2. Where does Jamie’s father say their family needs to move to for the sake of their mother’s health?

3. Where did Henry’s ex-wife take Elise after she left Henry?

4. After meeting him at the jetty, what does Alison say about the area they walk to near the courthouse ruins?

5. How soon before Nam’s father’s visit does he tell his girlfriend his father is coming?

(see the answer keys)

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