The Boat Who Wouldn't Float Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boat Who Wouldn't Float Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a dory?
(a) The anchor.
(b) The cook stove.
(c) The small boat on the schooner.
(d) The rubber raft on board for emergencies.

2. What island did Mowat and Jack choose as their new destination?
(a) The island of St. Pierre.
(b) The island of Wahini.
(c) The island of Key West.
(d) The island of Maui.

3. Where did Mowat and Claire decide to sail after they left the French waters outside of St. Pierre?
(a) Cape May.
(b) Cape Gerald.
(c) Cape Breton.
(d) Seattle.

4. What broke on the Happy Adventure as she continued to sail out into the ocean?
(a) The mast broke off of the ship.
(b) The engine refused to restart.
(c) The engine flooded and gave out.
(d) The exhaust stack separated from the engine.

5. Who presided over the formal baptism of the newly repaired and painted Happy Adventure?
(a) A Dominican Father.
(b) A town judge.
(c) A Catholic Bishop.
(d) A local minister.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Izaro?

2. Where did the crew decide to sail the boat after her christening?

3. Who did Mike and Mowat encounter in the fog while drifting in the Atlantic?

4. What did Mowat say was the advantage of Mike being ignorant of the schooner and her history?

5. How did Mowat and Mike meet the Manuel brothers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surprise did Mowat and Mike find when they retired below the ship to sleep? Who had given the men this surprise, and what did Mowat do with the gift?

2. When Jack went below to listen to the radio and help establish where they were, what did he learn from the radio news? What did they decide to do about their predicament?

3. When Mowat returned to St.Pierre in the spring, what did he learn about the men in whose charge he had left the Itchy? What condition was the boat in when Mowat found it?

4. After finding safe harbor for the night, who did Mowat and McClelland meet when they woke in the morning? What did the their unexpected visitor offer the two men?

5. What was the Happy Adventure's new name after her christening? What did Mowat and Mike decide to call her for short? Why?

6. Who was Blanche? What story did Paulo relate to Mowat about Blanche?

7. Why did Mowat finally give up his plan to sail the Atlantic?

8. Why did Mowat leave his boat in St. Pierre? With whom did he leave the Itchy?

9. Who joined Mowat and Mike aboard the Itchy before they set sail? What was this person doing on the island, and from where did this person originally come?

10. What plan did Mowat, Mike, Theo, and the others devise to redecorate the Itchy for her christening? Why did they come up with this plan?

(see the answer keys)

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