The Blue Sword Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blue Sword Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Corlath say Luthe's kelar is more useful?
(a) He is older.
(b) He is younger.
(c) He has had more training.
(d) His blood is more pure.

2. How was Harry treated by her father and his friends?
(a) As an equal.
(b) As a mascot.
(c) As a silly girl.
(d) As a helpless young lady.

3. Why are Harry and Mathin heading to the city?
(a) To return Harry to her people.
(b) For Harry to meet her next teacher.
(c) To meet the king.
(d) For the laprun trials.

4. For what was Corlath asking at the meeting?
(a) For Homelander to declare war on the North.
(b) Men to help close the mountain passes.
(c) For Homelander to form an alliance with him marrying Harry.
(d) That the trade embargo from Homelander be removed.

5. What does Corlath say his magic is showing him?
(a) How to outwit the Outlanders.
(b) The time and manner of his death.
(c) A young woman's face.
(d) Where is younger brother might be.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are there things Mathin cannot teach Harry?

2. With what is Corlath fighting when he leaves the Residency?

3. What does Corlath think is the reason his people would lose in a war against the North?

4. What did Harry discover about Jack at a dinner party concerning the desert?

5. What does Jack say about Corlath and the Northerners?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do those who grew up in Istan feel about the environment, and what does Harry discover about Jack and Istan?

2. What type of trouble with neighboring nations does Sir Charles talk about?

3. What does Corlath ask from the Homelanders, and what is their response?

4. What is Corlath feeling as he leaves the Residency, and what is having to do as he is leaving and why?

5. What kind of news does Sir Charles announce at breakfast?

6. What does Corlath have Harry do at the camp, why is she offended and what is Corlath's response to her anger?

7. Who does Amelia tell Harry to bring to lunch and what does Harry think of her new home?

8. Why do Harry and Mathin leave camp and who wakes Harry at night?

9. How does Harry do in the trials and what happens during her last challenge?

10. What are Jack's hopes about Corlath?

(see the answer keys)

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