The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Carriscant's Chinese patient?
(a) He dies of septicemia.
(b) He is killed by an accident.
(c) He is murdered by a gang of Philippines.
(d) He sues Carriscant.

2. Whom does Bobby bring forth to accuse Carriscant?
(a) A wood cutter.
(b) Delphine.
(c) Cruz.
(d) Wieland.

3. For how many murders is Carriscant arrested?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 0.
(d) 4.

4. About what do Kay and Carriscant chat at the end of the story?
(a) Their relationship.
(b) Delphine's impending death.
(c) Carriscant's current wife and children.
(d) Annaliese.

5. What does Carriscant discover about Siverance's wife?
(a) She knows his best friend in Italy.
(b) She is friend's with the woman he had dreamed of.
(c) She is the woman he had fantasized about.
(d) She is his third cousin.

6. When do Kay and Carriscant land in Lisbon?
(a) Sunday, May 3.
(b) Sunday, July 2.
(c) Sunday, April 10.
(d) Sunday, June 11.

7. What does Delphine say her husband would do if she runs off with Carriscant?
(a) Give her money to divorce him.
(b) Beg her to come back.
(c) Follow them.
(d) Let her go.

8. What does Carriscant tell Sieverance?
(a) Delphine will be fine.
(b) Delphine died of a miscarriage.
(c) Delphine was unfaithful to him.
(d) Delphine needs to go to Europe for better medical care.

9. Why did Delphine's aunt and uncle raise her?
(a) Her parents died of typhus.
(b) Her parents were not married.
(c) Her mother gave her up for adoption.
(d) Her parents died of flu.

10. Why does Delphine reject Carriscant out of hand?
(a) She is engaged to another man.
(b) Carriscant keeps calling her the wrong name.
(c) She would not consider dating a married man.
(d) Carriscant is much older than she.

11. What do Bobby, Carriscant, and some policemen do?
(a) Hold Wieland captive for several hours.
(b) Search Cruz's personal operating theater and morgue.
(c) Swear out a warrent for Cruz.
(d) Forcibly search the hospital.

12. Who is the third murder victim?
(a) A Philippine pregnant woman.
(b) A young boy.
(c) A teenage girl.
(d) An elderly Philippine man.

13. Where does Carriscant skulk about, hoping to see the American woman he is attracted to?
(a) A singles bar.
(b) The museum where she works.
(c) The swimming pool.
(d) The archery range.

14. Why does Carriscant visit his wife's uncle?
(a) To obtain an engine for Pantaleon.
(b) To give the uncle a physical examination.
(c) To tell the uncle that Carriscant is getting a divorce.
(d) To ask the uncle's business advice.

15. Of what does Pantaleon inform Carriscant?
(a) Pantaleon has found a co-pilot.
(b) Carriscant is expected to pilot the plane.
(c) Pantaleon is moving to Europe.
(d) Carriscant has to find another engine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Annaliese think of Delphine?

2. Where do Carriscant and Kay go to inquire about the magazine photograph?

3. Why does Pantaleon want to buy on the black market?

4. What does Carriscant watch Pantaleon do?

5. What does Carriscant install at his house?

(see the answer keys)

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