The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blue Afternoon: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Delphine tell Carriscant?
(a) She is ill again.
(b) She is ending her affair with him.
(c) She is leaving to rejoin her husband.
(d) She is pregnant with his child.

2. With what does Pantaleon threaten Carriscant?
(a) Setting it up to make Carriscant look guilty.
(b) Telling Delphine that Carriscant is having an affair.
(c) Filing a lawsuit.
(d) Telling others about Carriscant's affair.

3. How does Carriscant react when he performs an appendectomy?
(a) He is worried that his diagnosis is incorrect.
(b) He becomes aroused.
(c) He refuses to do the surgery.
(d) He is very sharp and decisive.

4. Who backs Cruz when he calls Carriscant on the carpet/
(a) No one.
(b) Bobby.
(c) Wieland.
(d) His wife's uncle.

5. Of what does Pantaleon inform Carriscant?
(a) Pantaleon has found a co-pilot.
(b) Carriscant has to find another engine.
(c) Pantaleon is moving to Europe.
(d) Carriscant is expected to pilot the plane.

6. What does Annaliese think of Delphine?
(a) Thinks Delphine is too clingy.
(b) Thinks of her as vulgar.
(c) Thinks Delphine is naive.
(d) Thinks Delphine is beautiful.

7. What does Carriscant watch Pantaleon do?
(a) Take his plane three feet off thhe ground.
(b) Use anesthesia to calm a patient.
(c) Taxi his plane.
(d) Put down Cruz and leaves Cruz speechless.

8. What does Bobby say about Carriscant regarding the two murders?
(a) He botched one of the autopsies.
(b) That Carriscant could not have done the murders.
(c) Bobby thinks Carriscant knows who killed the men.
(d) He is a suspect.

9. What do Bobby, Carriscant, and some policemen do?
(a) Forcibly search the hospital.
(b) Search Cruz's personal operating theater and morgue.
(c) Swear out a warrent for Cruz.
(d) Hold Wieland captive for several hours.

10. What does Panteleon have to decide about the engine after it arrives?
(a) If it is too heavy.
(b) If he needs two of them.
(c) If it is powerful enough.
(d) How it should be mounted.

11. What happens when Panteleon and Carriscant take off in the plane?
(a) It never gets off the ground.
(b) It eventually crashes, killing Panteleon.
(c) It flies and lands quite well.
(d) It initially sputters, then levels out quite well.

12. What does Carriscant tell Sieverance?
(a) Delphine needs to go to Europe for better medical care.
(b) Delphine will be fine.
(c) Delphine died of a miscarriage.
(d) Delphine was unfaithful to him.

13. About what do Carriscant and Wieland argue?
(a) The correct way to take out an appendix.
(b) The correct medical care for Delphine.
(c) Cruz's hobby.
(d) Cruz's private morgue.

14. What does Seiverance announce?
(a) He is shipping out on combat assignment.
(b) He is being reassigned to Germany.
(c) He is being reassigned to a post in the States.
(d) He suspects Carriscant of seducing Delphine.

15. Why is Carriscant embarrassed about the action?
(a) Cruz told the police about Carriscant's affair.
(b) Bobby had asked Carriscant for advice.
(c) Cruz pointed the finger at Carriscant.
(d) Nothing incriminating is found.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Carriscant do in Guam?

2. What hobby does Delphine take up in order to have an excuse to leave home?

3. What does Carriscant do on Panay Island?

4. How long is Carriscant in Bilibid Prison?

5. What does Carriscant note about Pantaleon's airplane?

(see the answer keys)

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