The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From his hotel window in town, what is Coverdale watching creep along the office rooftops that bewitches him?
(a) A cat.
(b) A rat.
(c) A pigeon.
(d) A dove.

2. Why is Coverdale worried about Priscilla not being safe around Hollingsworth?
(a) Because she is more susceptible to his tenderness.
(b) Because she is so gullible.
(c) Because he is dangerous.
(d) Because she is young and silly.

3. After Priscilla is summoned, why does Coverdale realize there is no peril of her communicating to him any of Zenobia's designs?
(a) He realizes that she does not care.
(b) He realizes she does not influence any events.
(c) He realizes that she is not really close to Zenobia.
(d) He realizes she is clueless.

4. What does Coverdale notice about Priscilla's appearance after she is summoned?
(a) That the girl is beautiful.
(b) That she has cut her hair.
(c) That she looks tired.
(d) That she has aged considerably.

5. In Section 9, Chapter 17, Coverdale obtains a room in a respectable hotel in town; what makes him feel stifled at first?
(a) The silence in his empty room.
(b) The loud music coming from across the street.
(c) The muddy tide of human activity.
(d) The memories from Blithedale.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the summer passes at Blithedale, what do Coverdale and Hollingsworth discuss the community's plans to erect?

2. In Section 12, Chapter 23, how long does Coverdale wander restlessly, trying to avoid Hollingsworth, Priscilla and Zenobia?

3. After his meeting with Priscilla, Coverdale says he washes his hands of it all, stating that the consequences lay on whose head?

4. What site does Coverdale observe across from his hotel at a boardinghouse that he blesses God for?

5. While watching the boardinghouse from his hotel window, Coverdale beholds Zenobia and Priscilla; who else does he see with them?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is ironic about Hollingsworth accidentally wounding Zenobia's corpse?

2. After Zenobia asks for Priscilla's forgiveness in Section 13, Chapter 25, what question does Zenobia ask her?

3. What are three of the creatures that Coverdale spies in the woods as he returns to Blithedale?

4. How does Zenobia demonstrate her love and loyalty for Hollingsworth?

5. How does Zenobia's death parallel with many village maidens who have also been wronged by their first love?

6. How was Moodie's life different twenty-five years ago?

7. Why did Moodie change his name twenty-five years ago?

8. What gets Moodie to reveal his past to Coverdale?

9. How does Coverdale find Moodie?

10. What strange foreboding does Coverdale have after Zenobia leaves Blithedale, and what does he do?

(see the answer keys)

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