The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Zenobia asks Hollingsworth if he loves Priscilla and he admits that he does; what does Zenobia say and do in return?
(a) Zenobia begs for him to reconsider loving her and clings to him.
(b) Zenobia begins to cry and runs away.
(c) Zenobia begins hitting him and yelling at him for not loving her.
(d) Zenobia appeals to God to judge which of them has most morally offended him and bids Hollingsworth farewell.

2. What site does Coverdale observe across from his hotel at a boardinghouse that he blesses God for?
(a) A rainbow.
(b) A loving elderly couple.
(c) A loving couple and their two children.
(d) Two puppies playing.

3. What happens to Moodie's second wife after she gives birth to his second daughter?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She dies.
(c) She goes crazy.
(d) She gets put in jail.

4. As the three people searching for Zenobia row out into the river, who comments about how Zenobia will laugh at them the next morning?
(a) Mr. Foster.
(b) Priscilla.
(c) Coverdale.
(d) Hollingsworth.

5. Who summons Priscilla to see Coverdale at the boardinghouse?
(a) Hollingsworth.
(b) Moodie.
(c) Zenobia.
(d) Westervelt.

6. Who comes to take Zenobia and Priscilla away from the boardinghouse at the end of Section 10, Chapter 20?
(a) Mr. Foster.
(b) Hollingsworth.
(c) Westervelt.
(d) Moodie.

7. Where did Hollingsworth wound Zenobia in Section 14, Chapter 27?
(a) Her hand.
(b) Her breast, close by her heart.
(c) Her arm.
(d) Her head.

8. As the summer passes at Blithedale, what do Coverdale and Hollingsworth discuss the community's plans to erect?
(a) A store.
(b) A school.
(c) A church.
(d) A Phalanstery.

9. In a lyceum hall where he sees someone he knows several rows in front of him, who does Coverdale attend an interview of?
(a) The Veiled Lady.
(b) The Red Lady.
(c) The White Lady.
(d) The Blue Lady.

10. Coverdale becomes irritated with the person who he visits in the boardinghouse; what does this person rage to him about?
(a) His claim that Westervelt is evil.
(b) His cliam that Hollingsworth is a nice guy.
(c) His claim that Priscilla is crazy.
(d) His claim that Hollingsworth is ridiculious.

11. What does Hollingsworth seem to have no regret for overthrowing in Section 8, Chapter 15?
(a) Overthrowing the fair system of their new life because it does not suit him.
(b) His love of Zenobia for Priscilla.
(c) His own family.
(d) His love of Priscilla for Zenobia.

12. Zenobia agrees with Priscilla that they are sisters, and although she learned of their relationship recently, she never wished what upon Priscilla?
(a) Harm.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Anger.
(d) Love.

13. Before Coverdale leaves Blithedale for a few weeks, what does he ask Priscilla?
(a) If she is troubled.
(b) If she is a mind reader.
(c) If she is a sorceress.
(d) If she is a prophetess.

14. What makes Coverdale believe that Hollingsworth must be appropriating Zenobia's funds so lavishly?
(a) Hollingsworth has bought himself a new wardrobe.
(b) Hollingsworth claims that money is not an option for him.
(c) Hollingsworth claims that they are out of money at Blithedale.
(d) Hollingsworth claims he can have the necessary capital for his project within a month.

15. After his meeting with Priscilla, Coverdale says he washes his hands of it all, stating that the consequences lay on whose head?
(a) Westervelt.
(b) Hollingsworth.
(c) Moodie.
(d) Zenobia.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Section 11, Chapter 21, it occurs to Coverdale to seek an interview with Moodie, so where does he go to look for him?

2. While observing from his hotel window, what makes Coverdale believe that a drawing-room on the first floor of the boardinghouse that is empty will not be empty for long?

3. Twenty-five years earlier, why did Moodie flee to the New England metropolis?

4. What are Hollingsworth and Coverdale repairing at Blithedale while discussing the community's plans for the future?

5. Who hushes Coverdale and Hollingsworth from his window in Section 14, Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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