The Blithedale Romance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blithedale Romance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Coverdale complain about his first day at Blithedale?
(a) His lack of sleep.
(b) The lack of comfort.
(c) The thinly partitioned walls.
(d) The bad food.

2. What does Coverdale believe is his duty to do for Priscilla?
(a) Protect her.
(b) Educate her.
(c) Marry her.
(d) Get rid of her.

3. In Section 6, Chapter 11, why does Coverdale stay in the vicinity of Zenobia's customary walk?
(a) So that he can assist her quickly if necessity dictates it to be so.
(b) So that he can watch her from behind the cover of the trees.
(c) So he will have a chance to talk to her.
(d) So he can see who she is meeting with.

4. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, what spell does the magician tell the lady about, after warning her of peril?
(a) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the golden necklace.
(b) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the Veiled Lady.
(c) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the maiden.
(d) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the white horse.

5. What does Coverdale think Hollingsworth is being reckless about?
(a) His relationship with Zenobia.
(b) His treatment of the other people at Blithedale.
(c) His pursuit of things outside Blithedale.
(d) His tenderness toward Priscilla.

6. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, what does the Lady tell the young man who sneaks into her room will happen to him if he kisses her?
(a) He will condem himelf to death.
(b) He will never be able to forget her.
(c) He will help to free her from the spell.
(d) He will be pledged to her, and from that instant she is doomed to be his evil fate.

7. What does the community of Blithedale declare May Day as, in Section 4, Chapter 8?
(a) Blithedale Day.
(b) A movable holiday, which is postponed for better weather.
(c) Not to be celebrated at Blithedale.
(d) A second Christmas for those at Blithedale.

8. What does Mr. Coverdale suspect about Priscilla and Zenobia in Section 3, Chapter 5?
(a) That Zenobia idolizes Priscilla.
(b) That Priscilla idolizes Zenobia.
(c) That Priscilla and Zenobia idolize him.
(d) That Priscilla and Zenobia idolize Mr. Hollingsworth.

9. What is a phenomenon in the Mesmeric line?
(a) The new play by Coverdale.
(b) The Asian Lady.
(c) The Veiled Lady.
(d) The opera.

10. Why do the people of Blithedale decide to continue sheltering Priscilla?
(a) To deserve the reputation of a benevolent community.
(b) She begged for them to let her stay.
(c) She has volunteered to be a maid.
(d) They feel obligated because she is favored by Hollingsworth.

11. How is the atmosphere at the first dinner in the Blithedale farmhouse?
(a) Cheerful.
(b) Oppressive.
(c) Dull.
(d) Exciting.

12. How does Mr. Foster greet all the men while the women are preparing dinner the first night at Blithedale?
(a) Politely.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Uncouthly.
(d) Nervously.

13. What does Coverdale suspect that Priscilla purposefully arranged for Moodie to see?
(a) Priscilla and Hollingsworth together.
(b) Priscilla crying.
(c) Priscilla and Zenobia acting playfully.
(d) Zenobia and Hollingsworth together.

14. What does Zenobia claim Priscilla to be after Mr. Coverdale tells her his suspicions?
(a) A seamstress.
(b) A writer.
(c) A cook.
(d) A maid.

15. What type of flower does Zenobia wear in her hair?
(a) Simple.
(b) Exotic.
(c) Dried.
(d) Ugly.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, a particular lady encounters a magician one morning while wandering in the woods; what does he warn her of?

2. What does Zenobia praise Mr. Coverdale about at the beginning of Section 2, Chapter 3, as everyone arrives at Blithedale?

3. Who did Priscilla used to make silk purses for?

4. Zenobia tells a story about the Veiled Lady; what is the story entitled?

5. What does Coverdale suspect about Zenobia's countenance as he sees her interact with Priscilla in Section 5, Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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