The Blind Assassin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blind Assassin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who hosts the reception for Iris's new baby?

2. Who does Iris suspect might be Myra's true father?

3. Who is the true author of 'The Blind Assassin' sub novel?

4. Where does Iris find the things Laura had stashed away at Avilion?

5. Where do Iris and Laura go to live after Iris leaves Richard?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to chapter 9, why is Laura afraid of her father?

2. What is the woman's attitude while aboard the cruise ship?

3. Why do you think Iris has 'The Blind Assassin' published?

4. In chapter 9, how does Laura behave towards Richard?

5. According to chapter 11, how does the adult Aimee feel towards her mother and why?

6. According to clues in chapter 10, who do you think is the woman's equivalent in Iris's memoir and why?

7. How does the man and woman's story about the blind assassin and the tongueless girl end?

8. In chapter 10, the woman imagines the man in a variety of situations. Describe one of these situations.

9. What message does Laura leave for Iris in her school notebooks?

10. How does Aimee respond to Iris's decision?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Many of the characters struggle with their identities. Until Laura dies, Iris lets her father and then Richard control her rather than making her own decisions. Laura is much more free-spirited but even she lets Richard and what she believes to be God's will control her. Although Richard and Winifred seem to be in control, they are really controlled by societal expectations. How are the identities of the characters created in the novel? To what extent do the characters define their own identities and to what extent are their identities controlled by the expectations placed on them by the people around them? Which character do you think has the strongest sense of identity and why? Be sure that your response includes at least three characters.

Essay Topic 2

Choose a character for the novel and answer the following questions about the character:

1. What traits define the character?

2. What is the character's role in the novel?

3. How does this character relate to other characters?

4. How is this character developed?

5. How would the novel change if the character were removed?

Essay Topic 3

The information related to the reader through the newspaper clippings and that communicated through Iris's memoir often disagrees. Throughout the novel many of the characters, particularly Winifred and Laura are obsessed with ensuring that their behavior and demeanor fits in to what they feel befits people of their social class, or at least that their behavior appears to comply with it. Yet, often the truth as presented in Iris's memoir is much more sinister than the supposed truth reported by the media. Discuss the disconnect between the public facade and private reality of the Chase/Griffen family as presented in the novel? What characters do you think care more about appearance than reality and what characters care more about reality? In other words, what are the priorities of the main characters? Why is so much more importance placed on appearing upright than on acting upright?

(see the answer keys)

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