The Black Stallion Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Black Stallion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jake say after seeing Alec and the Black run for the first time on the track in Chapter 13?
(a) The Black is a champion.
(b) He asks if he can ride the Black.
(c) Nobody will ever be able to control the Black.
(d) He says Henry should race him.

2. What surprises Alec the first time Jake shakes his hand in Chapter 13?
(a) Jake's strength.
(b) Jake's hands are very cold.
(c) Jake's frailty.
(d) Jake does not want to shake his hand.

3. What does Alec tell Henry getting tossed off the Black's back after they saddle him reminds him of?
(a) The old days on the island.
(b) The shipwreck.
(c) Watching horse races when he was younger.
(d) His time with horses in India.

4. Why does Henry tell Alec he needs to let the Black loose the first morning the Black is in the barn?
(a) Because the Black is too wild to be tames.
(b) Because he needs to get used to being alone.
(c) Because Henry wants him to run away.
(d) Because Henry's wife does not want the Black to stay there.

5. What word does Alec's father use when he asks Henry what he and Alec have been up to with regards to their plan to race the Black in Chicago?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Impossible.
(c) Crazy.
(d) Stupendous.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Henry know the watchman who lets them into the track in Chapter 13?

2. What does the Black do in Chapter 9 when he is running in the field and a hears a plane flying by?

3. What is the name of the horse Henry used to race when he was young?

4. Who does Joe say he will bring to the track to see if the Black is as fast as Henry says he is?

5. What is the Black covered in when Alec finds him in Chapter 10 after he escaped from the barn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Henry tell Alec about Chang and their last race, the International Cup?

2. Who is Jake and how does he know Henry?

3. What does Jim give for the reason he arrives at the Belmont to watch the Black race in Chapter 15?

4. What does Henry tell Alec they are going to need to do so the Black does not run away again?

5. What does Alec tell Henry his time trying to ride and then getting thrown off of the Black reminds him of on their first day of training?

6. What does Tony say about Napoleon going to Chicago with the Black?

7. What does Jim Neville write about in his newspaper column that causes a stir in Chapter 14?

8. What did the owners of Sun Raider and Cyclone say when Jim Neville called them up about racing the mystery horse?

9. Why does Joe seem to think the Black would be eligible to race against Cyclone and Sun Raider even though he is not registered?

10. What does Alec learn about Henry in Chapter 9, and who is Chang?

(see the answer keys)

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