The Black Stallion Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Black Stallion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Henry try to convince his friend of at the track when he and Alec first arrive there in Chapter 13?
(a) Napoleon is the racehorse.
(b) They want the watchman to race against Henry.
(c) Alec is a well-known jockey.
(d) Henry is planning to race again.

2. What does Alec worry might happen after he has been searching for the Black for a half hour in Chapter 10?
(a) Someone might steal him.
(b) He might get lost.
(c) A cop might shoot him.
(d) He might hurt himself.

3. What big race did Henry's horse when we he used to race?
(a) The New York Derby.
(b) The Florida Derby.
(c) The Kentucky Derby.
(d) The Arkansas Derby.

4. Where does Alec go in search of the Black thinking he may have found his way there by instinct?
(a) The berry bush.
(b) The water pool.
(c) The apple trees.
(d) The shady grove.

5. Who gives the Black a horse blanket that says THE BLACK on it?
(a) Tony.
(b) Alec's father.
(c) Henry.
(d) Jim Neville.

6. What summer work had Alec done in the past in the area where he searches for the Black with Henry?
(a) He was a caddy.
(b) He was a farmhand.
(c) He was a landscaper.
(d) He delivered milk.

7. In Chapter 13, Jake tells Henry he knows the Black will never be able race for this reason.
(a) He is too old.
(b) He is too young.
(c) He is not registered.
(d) Because Alec would not make a good jockey.

8. What does Jake say after seeing Alec and the Black run for the first time on the track in Chapter 13?
(a) He asks if he can ride the Black.
(b) He says Henry should race him.
(c) Nobody will ever be able to control the Black.
(d) The Black is a champion.

9. Why is Alec unable to focus in school at the start of Chapter 16?
(a) His teacher is boring.
(b) He does not feel well.
(c) He can only think of racing the Black.
(d) He did not sleep the night before.

10. Who is Cyclone's owner?
(a) Mr. Hurst.
(b) Mr. Ramsay.
(c) Mr. Volence.
(d) Mr. Neville.

11. What did Henry do for work after he retired from racing?
(a) He never retired from racing.
(b) He trained racehorses.
(c) He became a farmer.
(d) He taught school.

12. Who is the watchmen who lets Henry and Alec into the track in Chapter 13?
(a) Joe.
(b) Jack.
(c) Jake.
(d) Jim.

13. What is the name of the track Henry and Alec take the Black to in Chapter 13?
(a) The Brookline.
(b) The Belmont.
(c) The Berkshire.
(d) The Bellingham.

14. What do they need to do in order to get the Black into the truck to head to the train station for Chicago at the end of Chapter 16?
(a) Take Napoleon with them.
(b) Lure him with sugar.
(c) Blindfold him.
(d) Tie him up.

15. What does Jim Neville say before leaving the track after watching the Black and Alec ride in Chapter 15?
(a) He says the Black has no chance against the Cyclone.
(b) He says a lot of people are going to see that horse race.
(c) He says that horse is too wild for racing.
(d) He says the Black might beat the Cyclone but not Sun Raider.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Sun Raider's owner?

2. In addition to the saddle, what is the other thing Henry and Alec put on the Black in Chapter 12?

3. What does Jim suggest Henry and Alec stop doing as momentum around the mystery horse begins to build in Chapter 15?

4. Who calls Henry telling him preparations are all set for the race the day after Alec's father agrees to let him race?

5. What part of Alec's life is Alec's mother worried the Black might interfere with?

(see the answer keys)

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