The Black Stallion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Black Stallion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What doe Alec bring to the Black every day toward the end of Chapter 1?
(a) Leaves.
(b) Chocolate.
(c) Hay.
(d) Sugar.

2. Who does Alec's father say must have been with him after Alec tells them the story of the shipwreck and the island in Chapter 8?
(a) God.
(b) The Black.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) His grandmother.

3. How soon after arriving in Rio de Janeiro does Alec learn a ship will be heading to the states?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 1 week.
(c) The next day.
(d) 3 days.

4. What is the first type of food Alec finds to eat on the island?
(a) Bananas.
(b) Berries.
(c) Fish.
(d) Mango.

5. Why is the Captain hesitant to allow the Black on the ship when he sees him on the island?
(a) He hates horses.
(b) He is too wild.
(c) He is too big.
(d) He has too many horses on board.

6. What accent do the men who arrive on the island have?
(a) Irish.
(b) Italian.
(c) English.
(d) Indian.

7. What happens in the dawn after Alec's shelter has burned down?
(a) A rescue plane arrives.
(b) Alec's finds another boy living on the island.
(c) A ship anchors at the shore.
(d) The Black disappears.

8. What does the Black do the first time Alec tries to touch his head on the island?
(a) He calms and lets him.
(b) He quivers then runs away.
(c) He kicks at Alec.
(d) He gnashes his teeth at Alec.

9. What does Pat say about the Black before Alec leaves for New York?
(a) He would make a good race horse.
(b) He wants Alec to let him keep the Black.
(c) He is too wild to tame.
(d) He is a beauty.

10. Who does Pat bring Alec a radiogram from when Alec wakes at the start of Chapter 6?
(a) His uncle.
(b) HIs parents.
(c) The captain of The Drake.
(d) A news reporter.

11. Why does Pat ask Alec for his address at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) So he can find out if they are neighbors.
(b) So he can write to Alec.
(c) So he can radio Alec's parents.
(d) So he can get Alec a cab home.

12. What is the name of the family who owns the old Halleran place where Alec hopes to keep the Black?
(a) The Donahues.
(b) The Drurys.
(c) The Daileys.
(d) The Ramsays.

13. Why does Alec make a spear with his pocket knife?
(a) Because he is bored.
(b) To try to catch fish.
(c) To protect himself from wildlife.
(d) To kill the Black.

14. Which character does not want to ride home with the Black, so they take the car?
(a) Alec's father.
(b) Alec.
(c) Alec's mother.
(d) Joe Russo.

15. Whose feed does Henry tell Alec he can use for the Black until he can buy his own?
(a) Joe's.
(b) Johnny's.
(c) Ned's.
(d) Tony's.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Black doing when Alec finds him near the water spring on the island in Chapter 3?

2. What is one of the physical signs of dehydration Alec exhibits in Chapter 3?

3. What does Alec think of when a storm sets him while on the ship back home in Chapter 7?

4. What does Henry Daily say his horse might do to the Black when Alec seems concerned about keeping them close together?

5. Where does Alec plan to keep the Black when he gets home?

(see the answer keys)

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