The Black Ice Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon arriving in Mexico and checking into his hotel, Harry finds that he already has phone messages. Who are they from?
(a) Lt. Pounds and Assistant Chief Irving.
(b) Cal Moore.
(c) Zorrillo.
(d) Teresa Corazon.

2. What else does Teresa tell Harry, on a more personal note, on the phone in Chapter 23?
(a) Teresa breaks off her relationship with Harry.
(b) Teresa tells Harry she wants to break off their engagement.
(c) Teresa tells Harry she is pregnant.
(d) Teresa tells Harry she wants him to move in with her.

3. Why does Harry learn that Aguila was called a derogatory name at the police headquarters?
(a) Because he is gay.
(b) Because he is Jewish.
(c) Because he is a bad cop.
(d) Because he is Chinese.

4. Why does Harry think that Corvo should work with him?
(a) Because he sees a connection to Zorilio--the drug kingpin--that no one else sees.
(b) Because Corvo is a better cop than Harry.
(c) Because he suspects Corvo is the real killer.
(d) Because he likes Corvo.

5. What about Harry's drive to Calexico in Chapter 19 is pleasing to Harry?
(a) Harry loves cars.
(b) Harry thinks that he does some of his best driving while driving alone.
(c) Harry loves to listen to the radio.
(d) Harry uses long drives to catch up with friends on his cell phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before leaving for Mexico in Chapter 19, what does Harry hide in the trunk of his car?

2. Where does Harry go to find Cal Moore in Chapter 32?

3. Where does Harry go in Mexicali when he first arrives?

4. Why is it a problem that Harry brought Aguila with him to meet Ramos in Chapter 28?

5. Why does Harry think that Corvo--the DEA agent from L.A.--is acting so lively in Chapter 28?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Harry bypass the security in Cal Moore's building in Chapter 18?

2. What did the bullfighter, Silvestri, look like when he entered the arena?

3. What is the clue at the beginning of Chapter 31 that Harry almost missed, and who finds it instead?

4. What is CLET and what functions does it perform?

5. How did Aguila decide to report the missing person who ended up Juan Doe, when Mexico does not even have a missing persons bureau?

6. What does Dance look like in the photograph Harry has brought with him to Mexico?

7. Describe what it is like when Harry drives back across the border.

8. How was Mexicali founded?

9. Why, when people are killed accidentally at EnviroBreed, does Harry suspect they are shipped across the border illegally?

10. How did the town of Calexico get its start?

(see the answer keys)

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