The Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When they meet up on stage in this novel the first time, what does Moore's wife accuse Harry of?
(a) Allowing TV reporters to tell her of her husband's death so Harry won't have to.
(b) Quitting from her late husand's investigatory team.
(c) Not caring enough about the murder.
(d) Taking bribes to avoid finding answers in the case.

2. On his way to meet Teresa Corazon, Harry stops to look at himself in a mirror. What does he see?
(a) A man who is very tired.
(b) A man with a mission.
(c) A man most people would not approach unless they have to.
(d) A man of honor.

3. Harry goes to Police HQ to talk to a crime scene tech. What does this tech say that makes Harry doubt the idea that Cal Moore committed suicide in his motel room?
(a) Moore's dental records did not match the corpse's.
(b) The gun did not belong to Moore.
(c) The fingerprints on the gun did not match Moore's.
(d) There were no other fingerprints in the motel room than Moore's.

4. Why is Teresa angry at Harry in Chapter 14?
(a) Because he shared the information she gave him about Cal Moore's autopsy with the press.
(b) Because she wants to date him more seriously.
(c) Because she thinks he does not want her to become the ME.
(d) She thinks Harry is not doing a good job with the investigation.

5. In Chapter 16, why does Harry think Lieutenant Pounds wants him to avoid connecting the death of Kapps and Guitierrez-Llosa with Cal Moore?
(a) He feels guilty that Kapps died.
(b) Pounds was involved in the murders and wants to cover himself.
(c) It might make the department look bad.
(d) If it turns out Moore's death is connected to the other two, the Robbery Homicide squad will take the case over. And that will prevent Pounds from counting the case in his end of year statistics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why didn't the other patrons leave the bar when Porter and Harry started to fight?

2. In Chapter 10, Bosch makes a mysterious phone call and reveals what he just learned about the autopsy results. Who is it most likely that he calls?

3. What cases does Harry decide to focus on first?

4. Harry meets up with Rickard to re-interview the young drug dealer they arrested earlier. What does Rickard do that upsets Harry?

5. Harry examines Porter's unsolved cases and discovers an odd coincidence. What is it?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Harry learn in Chapter 12 about why Porter did not come clean with what he knew about Juan Doe?

2. What does Harry learn about the way sterilized fruit flies are shipped to the United States from Mexico?

3. Why does Bosch act so upset in the first chapter?

4. What probably happened to Porter after Harry lost him in the coffee shop?

5. How did the "Juan Doe" die, and how did the case reach Bosch?

6. What is the BANG squad?

7. Why does the kid think that Harry must be being nice to him? Is he correct?

8. What is the evidence that Teresa uncovered having to do with brain tissue and what does it mean?

9. What is Rickard doing when he calls Harry in Chapter 11?

10. Why does Harry have to sweet talk the crime scene technician who processed the Moore case in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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