The Black Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon arriving in Mexico and checking into his hotel, Harry finds that he already has phone messages. Who are they from?
(a) Cal Moore.
(b) Lt. Pounds and Assistant Chief Irving.
(c) Zorrillo.
(d) Teresa Corazon.

2. Porter's body was found in Sunshine Canyon. But where was he really murdered?
(a) In Mexico.
(b) In Hollywood.
(c) In downtown L.A.
(d) In Calexico.

3. Who else was killed in the raid described in Chapter 29?
(a) The man who killed Lucius Porter.
(b) Cal Moore.
(c) Jerry Edgar.
(d) Lt. Pounds.

4. Why is Corvo concerned that Harry spoke to the local Mexican police?
(a) Corvo is friends with the police.
(b) Corvo is worried that Harry learned something that woudl implicate him in the murder of Moore.
(c) Corvo has informants there who he is worred Harry may threaten.
(d) Corvo thinks that the Mexican police are beholden to Zorrilo and will tell him anything they know.

5. Ramos is the DEA operative Corvo set Harry up with in Mexico. Why does he come to Mexicali to visit Harry?
(a) Because he always wanted to visit Mexicali.
(b) Because the DEA is unhappy about Harry's visit to EnviroBreed.
(c) Because Cal Moore was seen at a bullfight.
(d) Because he found another Juan Doe.

6. Why was the old man--Guitierrez-Llosa--killed?
(a) He swallowed a MedFly.
(b) He tried to blackmail Zorrillo.
(c) He witnessed Zorrillo using the tunnel.
(d) He'd threatened to go to the police.

7. Why do Irving and so many others not trust Harry, despite the fact that he is a dedicated detective?
(a) Because he is so violent.
(b) Because he does not play for a team, he plays for himself.
(c) Because they suspect he is getting a pay-off.
(d) Because he only works for the money.

8. Who does Aguila take Harry to visit?
(a) The sheriff of the City of Lost Souls.
(b) Zorrillo.
(c) Cal Moore's widow.
(d) The US Ambassador to Mexico.

9. What connection does Corvo help Harry to make between Zorilo and Cal Moore?
(a) There is a mention of Zorrillo in Moore's LAPD personnel file.
(b) He sees a video.
(c) He sees a photograph.
(d) The tattoo Harry saw on Cal Moore's arm of a devil with a halo is the sign of Zorillo's neighbohood in Mexicali.

10. How does Harry get Corvo to sit down and talk to him?
(a) He threatens to expose him.
(b) He threatens to go to Mexicali to investigate the death of Guitierrez-Llosa, which potentially could threaten the DEA's case.
(c) He begs.
(d) He buys him a beer.

11. How does the fact that Cal Moore faked his own death help Teresa Corazon to be appointed as the Chief Medical Examiner?
(a) Assistant Chief Irving is scared of ghosts.
(b) Cal Moore is able to make a call for Teresa.
(c) She tells Assistant Chief Irving of the error. In exchange for her silence, he makes sure she is appointed.
(d) Teresa is able to publicly solve the mystery and get praised for it.

12. In Chapter 27, what does Harry bring with him to the bullfight?
(a) A set of handcuffs to make the arrest.
(b) A pair of binoculars to get a closer look at Zorrillo.
(c) A fingerprint kit.
(d) A camera, to take pictures of evidence.

13. What does Corvo offer Harry when he makes the trip to Mexicali?
(a) He gives him a gun.
(b) He connects him to a local source.
(c) He gives him the name of a taxi service.
(d) He gives him a map.

14. How did Moore get Zorrillo's prints to plant at the crime scene?
(a) Moore made Zorrillo a passport and told him he needed his prints too.
(b) He dragged Zorrillo's body there.
(c) He mailed them to an accomplice.
(d) He cut off Zorrillo's fingers.

15. Who dumped Guitierrez-Llosa's body in the alley?
(a) The young drug dealer.
(b) Cal Moore.
(c) Apris.
(d) Zorrillo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Harry nervous about what Cal Moore confesses to him?

2. Why does Harry go to the bar called "Code 7" in Chapter 17?

3. Harry meets the local police Chief and an investigator. What are Harry's impressions of them?

4. Why does Harry think that Corvo should work with him?

5. What causes Harry to realize that he might be able to trust Aguila?

(see the answer keys)

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