The Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Harry find Porter?
(a) Downtown bar.
(b) The movie studios.
(c) The squad room.
(d) His house.

2. In Chapter 10, Bosch makes a mysterious phone call and reveals what he just learned about the autopsy results. Who is it most likely that he calls?
(a) A journalist.
(b) The police chief.
(c) Moore's killer.
(d) Harry's attorney.

3. Harry was not asked to be a part of the case, but he went to the suicide crime scene anyway to see what was happening. Upon arrival, he's suspicious. Why?
(a) He suspects the Assistant Chief committed the crime.
(b) The victim is wearing boots that don't belong to him.
(c) Harry isn't sure what's wrong but he does not buy the evidence or the crime scene.
(d) The suicide note was faked.

4. Who does Bosch get a call from as he is looking for Porter?
(a) His lieutenant.
(b) His daughter.
(c) One of the narcotics officers who worked with Cal Moore.
(d) His ex-wife.

5. Why does Harry visit the the Medfly Eradication Project Center in Chapter 14?
(a) To see if anyone there knew Cal Moore.
(b) To find out if it's possible that the dead man in the alley came from Mexicali.
(c) He is worried that Porter paid off a worker there.
(d) He is concerned about a public health epedmic.

6. What does Parker Center--the L.A. Police Department's headquarters--symbolize to Harry in Chapter 8?
(a) The end of his career.
(b) A web of corruption.
(c) A beacon for justice.
(d) A bureaucratic labyrinth.

7. Teresa asks Bosch if he is like Timido, the coyote who lives in his canyon. What traits does she think Harry and Timido share?
(a) They are both alone in a dark world.
(b) They both prefer the night to the day.
(c) They both hunt prey.
(d) They are both wild and feral.

8. Who does Harry call before leaving for Mexico in Chapter 16?
(a) Assistant Chief Irving.
(b) Captain Grena, the Mexican police capatain.
(c) Carols Aguila, the Mexican detective investigating the death of Juan Doe.
(d) Lieutenant Pounds.

9. Who does Harry meet at Cal Moore's apartment?
(a) Lucius Porter.
(b) Moore's ex-wife.
(c) Zorrillo.
(d) Moore's partner.

10. Harry learns what "black ice" is from Cal Moore. What it?
(a) A slippery substance used by criminals in car chases.
(b) A special ice used by coroners made into a drug.
(c) A drug made of PCP, heroin, and cocaine.
(d) The name of a drink at Moore's favorite bar.

11. Why is Harry upset in the first chapter?
(a) His radio scanner is broken.
(b) He is alone on Christmas.
(c) RHD takes a case he thinks should be his.
(d) His dinner has been ruined by a call.

12. Why do Harry and Rickard threaten to arrest a kid they meet on the street?
(a) He killed Juan Doe.
(b) They suspect him of dealing drugs.
(c) He helped the drug dealer Cal Moore had arrested before his death.
(d) He killed Cal Moore.

13. What does Harry do for Kerwin in Chapter 15?
(a) Rents him a motel room.
(b) He sends him to a GED program to finish high school.
(c) He drug tests him.
(d) Gives him bail money.

14. As Harry begins to review all of Porter's case, what does he decide to do?
(a) Separate out the cases he thinks he can solve quickly from those that will take time.
(b) Take a dinner break and come back to the cases later.
(c) Get Porter to come back to work and solve his own cases.
(d) Quit his job.

15. On his way to meet Teresa Corazon, Harry stops to look at himself in a mirror. What does he see?
(a) A man most people would not approach unless they have to.
(b) A man who is very tired.
(c) A man of honor.
(d) A man with a mission.

Short Answer Questions

1. What odd thing does Teresa find in the Juan Doe's ears?

2. Why is Harry so interested in finding out the cause of Cal Moore's death?

3. Pounds asks Harry to solve a case by New Year's Day to improve the Department's statistics. Why does this offend Harry?

4. Harry meets up with Rickard to re-interview the young drug dealer they arrested earlier. What does Rickard do that upsets Harry?

5. Why is Teresa angry at Harry in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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