The Black Ice Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 31-34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Pounds asks Harry to visit his office for a reason in Chapter 5. What is it?
(a) To find out more about the Moore case.
(b) To get Harry to solve a murder by the end of New Year's Eve.
(c) To promote him.
(d) To ask him for his resignation.

2. Why does Harry believe that the EnviroBreed ranch is connected to the drug trade Cal Moore had been investigating?
(a) Harry believes that EnviroBreed is growing marijuana.
(b) He thinks the Black Ice dealers used the ranch to distribute the drug to the North.
(c) Harry belives that EnviroBreed is a cover for DEA agents.
(d) He thinks EnviroBreed is a terrorist front group.

3. Why do Harry and Aguila go to the airport in Chapter 28?
(a) To visit the DEA agents at their secret headquarters.
(b) To question the ticket agents about Moore's murder.
(c) To examine evidence on a plane.
(d) To catch a plane back to L.A.

4. Why do Harry and Rickard threaten to arrest a kid they meet on the street?
(a) He killed Juan Doe.
(b) He helped the drug dealer Cal Moore had arrested before his death.
(c) He killed Cal Moore.
(d) They suspect him of dealing drugs.

5. What does Harry say to Porter when he finds him?
(a) He asks what happened to Cal Moore.
(b) He accuses him of being involved in a conspiracy.
(c) He asks him why he left the job.
(d) Nothing, Porter is not there.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ely say he would be unable to determine if Guitierrez-Llosa worked for EnviroBreed?

2. Why does Harry think that Corvo should work with him?

3. Why does Harry feel guilty when speaking to Aguila in Chapter 21?

4. Ramos is the DEA operative Corvo set Harry up with in Mexico. Why does he come to Mexicali to visit Harry?

5. What does Harry think makes a case more difficult to solve?

(see the answer key)

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