The Black Ice Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 17-19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Harry notified Moore's wife--Sylvia--of the death. She calls later to thank him. What does Harry conclude at the end of that call?
(a) That there is a connection between him and Sylvia.
(b) That Sylvia was the most likely person to have killed Moore.
(c) That Sylvia does not like Harry.
(d) That Sylvia caused Moore to committ suicide.

2. Why do Harry and Rickard threaten to arrest a kid they meet on the street?
(a) He killed Juan Doe.
(b) He helped the drug dealer Cal Moore had arrested before his death.
(c) They suspect him of dealing drugs.
(d) He killed Cal Moore.

3. Why does Teresa feel compelled to say that the reason for Cal Moore's death was inconclusive?
(a) The autopsy results proved that there were multiple shooters.
(b) The impact of the gunshot to his brain proved that he was shot from behind.
(c) Moore's dental records did not match.
(d) Moore's fingerprints did not match the prints found on the gun.

4. What do Bosch and Rickard decide to do with the young drug dealer after he is arrested?
(a) Charge him with drug possession.
(b) Interrogate him.
(c) Hold him for a long period of time to make it more likely he'll be willing to talk.
(d) Let him go.

5. Harry's Lieutenant is called "Pounds." While speaking to Harry, he chokes on an aspirin. Why?
(a) Harry said something shocking to him
(b) He did not use water to swallow his pills.
(c) He was surprised by the new evidence Harry presented to him.
(d) The pills went down the "wrong pipe."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harry realize that he has lost after attempting to interrogate Kerwin in Chapter 15?

2. Harry meets up with Rickard to re-interview the young drug dealer they arrested earlier. What does Rickard do that upsets Harry?

3. Pounds asks Harry to visit his office for a reason in Chapter 5. What is it?

4. Why is the DEA agent--Corvo--reluctant to talk to Harry in Chapter 17?

5. What kind of unique door handle does Code 7 have?

(see the answer key)

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