The Black Ice Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Ice Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 22-25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ramos say is the owner of EnviroBreed?
(a) EnviroBreed is owned by Zorrillo.
(b) EnviroBreed is owned by a Lieutenant of Zorrillo's.
(c) EnviroBreed is owned by Moore's wife, Sylvia.
(d) EnviroBreed is owned by Moore.

2. In Chapter 22, Harry asks why Agulia bothered to send a message to the US Consul notifying them that Guitierrez-Llosa was missing. What does Agulia say?
(a) Aguila says he thought that Guitierrez-Llosa was a part of the mafia.
(b) Because Guitierrez-Llosa worked for EnviroBreed.
(c) Cal Moore asked Aguila to.
(d) Guitierrez-Llosa's wife convinced him that something was wrong.

3. Who does Harry call before leaving for Mexico in Chapter 16?
(a) Lieutenant Pounds.
(b) Assistant Chief Irving.
(c) Carols Aguila, the Mexican detective investigating the death of Juan Doe.
(d) Captain Grena, the Mexican police capatain.

4. Harry also calls Teresa Corazon in Chapter 23 to find out if Porter's murder was connected to any others. What does he find out?
(a) That Porter was born in Mexicali.
(b) That Porter had fruit flies in his eyes.
(c) Porter and Jimmy Kapps had been killed in the same manner.
(d) That Cal Moore's prints were found on Porter.

5. In Chapter 23, Harry calls L.A. and checks in with fellow detective Jerry Edgar. What does Edgar tell him their Lieutenant is thinking?
(a) That Lucius Porter faked his own suicide.
(b) That Lucius Porter and Cal Moore are the same person.
(c) That Harry is a drug dealer.
(d) That Harry killed Lucius Porter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harry do to surprise Teresa at his house?

2. In Chapter 25, where does Harry ask Aguila to take him to see Zorrillo?

3. Why is Teresa angry at Harry in Chapter 14?

4. Teresa also finds fruit fly larvae in Juan Doe's stomach. What does she conclude about their presence?

5. In Chapter 24, Harry attempts to get in to EnviroBreed. How does he overcome their security measures?

(see the answer key)

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