The Black Echo Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Echo Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bosch do before he drives away from where he watches Villabona do the name search?
(a) Calls Wish.
(b) Asks Villabona to keep the name search confidential.
(c) Confronts Lewis and Clarke in the IAD car.
(d) Confirms that Lewis and Clarke are following him in the IAD car.

2. What is unusual about BHS&L as compared to regular bank vaults?
(a) Their vaults can have the time lock overridden for the convenience of their clients.
(b) The time lock on their vaults cannot be overridden.
(c) Regular bank vaults are easier to break into than the BHS&L vaults.
(d) The BHS&L vaults are easier to break into than the regular bank vaults.

3. After his discussion with Wish about Niese's death, what does Bosch intend to do?
(a) Let Wish take over the case because he is too emotionally involved.
(b) Tell Rourke that he needs to handle the situation.
(c) Kill the man who killed him.
(d) Find out who killed him.

4. When Bremmer calls Edgar with suspicions about what The Times is reporting, what does Edgar say?
(a) Rourke was beind the entire heist.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Lewis and Clarke murdered Meadows.
(d) The Times is lying.

5. After Rourke looks at the schematic that Gearson gives him, what does Rourke announce?
(a) Bosch is off of the case.
(b) Binh and Tran have put them on the wrong trail.
(c) They are going in after them immediately.
(d) That it is too dangerous to go in after the men.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Bosch hears the information from Ernst's background check, what does Bosch postulate?

2. After hearing the background information on Binh, what does Wish guess?

3. As Bosch is in the hospital, what is the status of Rourke?

4. What kind of uniforms is the SWAT team going to wear, according to Rourke's directions?

5. During the phone conversation between Bosch and Villabona, what suggestion does Villabona give to Bosch?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Rourke hears Bosch explain that he thinks someone on the inside is involved in Sharkey's death, how does Rourke respond?

2. After Bosch hits one of the gunmen in the chest, what do he and Wish do?

3. What occurs during the conversation between Bosch and Irving which Bosch is in the hospital?

4. After they receive the information about Binh, about what with regard to Meadows's and Binh's involvement do they postulate?

5. What is Wish's reaction to what she realizes Bosch has done once they get in the car after questioning Binh?

6. What is the plan that Rourke unveils as they have the meeting around Wish and Bosch's car?

7. Describe what occurs when Bosch and Wish go to Binh's store.

8. When Bosch is exasperated while in the hospital, what does he decide to do?

9. Describe the scene at the Malibu pier.

10. What happens when Bosch visits Hector Villabona at the INS?

(see the answer keys)

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