The Black Cauldron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Cauldron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Islimach do after seeing Ellidyr's body?
(a) Pushes at Ellidyr as if to try to wake him.
(b) Moves to Taran's side.
(c) Puts his head down to hide his tears.
(d) Plunges to his death off a cliff.

2. In the opening lines of Chapter Eleven, what happens to make Taran drop his sword?
(a) A fairy lights on hs hand and startles him.
(b) The sword turns into a snake.
(c) The sword becomes too hot for him to hold.
(d) A warrior strikes his hand with a hammer.

3. Why does the enchantress say she's going to turn Taran and the others into toads?
(a) She is mean.
(b) She can't have people poking and prying into her home.
(c) She needs to practice her toad spell.
(d) She doesn't say why.

4. What does Orddu offer to do to help Taran and the others get back to Dallben faster?
(a) Give them a map with a shortcut.
(b) Take them by boat.
(c) Turn them into birds.
(d) Send them with magic.

5. Where does Gurgi find the cauldron?
(a) In the cottage.
(b) In the marsh.
(c) In the chicken roost.
(d) In the kitchen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gwydion say Morgant should be honored?

2. How many gwythaints does Ellidyr say he killed?

3. How does Oddur say the cauldron must be destroyed?

4. What does Taran say he believes the group should do?

5. Who pulls the ropes while Taran pushes at the cauldron in an effort to get it out of the river?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Taran and the others try to steal the cauldron and what is the reaction of the enchantresses?

2. What does Gwydion say about Ellidyr and Morgant after the battle is over and the two are dead?

3. What does Taran see when, during the night, they peek through the window of the cottage?

4. In Chapter Nineteen, what does Ellidyr say about the "black beast" and is the black beast a real creature?

5. Describe the reunion with Ellidyr.

6. What is the situation when Taran regains consciousness in Chapter Eighteen and what is his reaction to the situation?

7. How does Taran's group find the cauldron?

8. How did Dallben swallow some of the wisdom potion?

9. What is the proposition Morgant offers to Taran and why does he say he's making the offer?

10. What is the history of the brooch?

(see the answer keys)

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