The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Gilroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Gilroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of relation did Martin Robison Delany foresee between English capital, black American intellect and African labor?
(a) A dynamic alliance.
(b) A decentralized marketplace of powers and ideas.
(c) A global arts and entertainment empire.
(d) A hegemonic empire.

2. What does Gilroy assert in opposition to these master-race intellectuals?
(a) That race has its own uniqueness.
(b) That history cannot be stripped of slavery.
(c) That race only applies for people who are marked by visible racial characteristics.
(d) That race is ultimately optional.

3. How does Gilroy suggest we think about the history of slavery?
(a) As central to Western culture.
(b) As the moral blight on modernity.
(c) As the defining institution in Western civilization.
(d) As an exception to Western civilization.

4. What function does the first chapter serve?
(a) Conceptual background.
(b) Anecdotal introduction.
(c) Humorous analogy.
(d) Historical perspective.

5. What kind of history did Frederick Douglass propose according to Gilroy?
(a) A history of pre-contact North America.
(b) A history of pre-slavery Africa.
(c) A history of race relations.
(d) A history of blacks in the new world.

6. What does the black person's perpetual searching indicate to Gilroy?
(a) Exile.
(b) Insecurity.
(c) Slave mentality.
(d) Curiosity.

7. How does Gilroy say slaves used music?
(a) To communicate with each other over distances.
(b) To invoke their racial memories.
(c) To express their pain.
(d) To preserve their ancient culture.

8. What kind of social relations does music create according to Gilroy?
(a) Liberating.
(b) Non-dominating.
(c) Non-violent.
(d) Hierarchical.

9. What does this image symbolize for Gilroy?
(a) A theme to improvise on as he continues.
(b) A formula for evaluating race relations in history.
(c) A macrocosmic view of race relations.
(d) A micro-cultural, micro-political system.

10. Who first defined the notion of the master-slave dialectic?
(a) Emerson.
(b) Nietzsche.
(c) Kant.
(d) Hegel.

11. What did black music help to form in Britain as Gilroy describes it?
(a) Resistance to industrialism.
(b) Class consciousness.
(c) Political power.
(d) A collective identity.

12. Under what light does this claim cease to hold up, in Gilroy's opinion?
(a) In light of the West's nationalist movements.
(b) In light of radical Islam's hostility.
(c) In light of the discontent of industrial workers.
(d) In light of the West's relations with poorer nations.

13. What does the notion of the Black Atlantic produce according to Gilroy?
(a) New definitions of the races.
(b) Transnational perspective.
(c) A simplification of racial concepts.
(d) A historical context for ideas of race.

14. Why does Gilroy say that it is odd that music held this role?
(a) Because talented artists have made enormous strides in musical forms.
(b) Because music has hit themes of class and race.
(c) Because music has brought people together more than any other cultural form.
(d) Because public culture has consisted largely of music.

15. How does Gilroy characterize the slaves' literacy?
(a) He says that they were denied literacy on pain of death.
(b) He says that some slaves could read and write, but only under supervision.
(c) He says that literacy was inconsistent in the slave world.
(d) He says that slave music relied on primitive literary forms.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did the majority of the British black population emigrate according to Gilroy?

2. How does Gilroy characterize the relation that binds the master race to the slave race?

3. What has been superseded by economic, social and cultural forces, according to Gilroy?

4. What contradiction did Martin Robison Delany NOT embody in his beliefs, according to Gilroy?

5. What does Gilroy say is the fact of racial life?

(see the answer keys)

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