The Birth of Venus Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Dunant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Birth of Venus Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Dunant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the painter leaves, how does Alessandra describe life at the convent?
(a) As changing.
(b) As beautiful.
(c) As boring.
(d) As mournful.

2. In Chapter 20, how many days do the French stay in Florence?
(a) 13 days.
(b) 12 days.
(c) 10 days.
(d) 11 days.

3. Why does Erila say Alessandra had a miscarriage in Chapter 28?
(a) To make it seem like Cristoforo is heterosexual.
(b) To let her get more rest.
(c) To keep Alessandra's mother away.
(d) To protect her from Cristoforo.

4. Who does Plautilla want to talk about when she visits Alessandra in Chapter 35?
(a) Savonarola.
(b) Tomaso.
(c) Their mother.
(d) Herself.

5. In Chapter 24, what does Alessandra notice about the clothing worn by the people in Florence?
(a) It resembles the French style.
(b) It lacks color.
(c) The fabrics are cheap.
(d) The women wear shorter skirts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Alessandra have assist her with the fresco in the convent's chapel?

2. What does Alessandra see on the ceiling of the chapel in Chapter 30?

3. What upsets Tomaso most about his case of boils?

4. In Chapter 28, what does Cristoforo give to Alessandra?

5. Why does Savonarola visit the convents in Chapter 28?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 47, what convinces Alessandra that her daughter is the painter's child?

2. What does Alessandra do when she begins to go into labor?

3. What does Alessandra do after learning Cristoforo has faked his death?

4. What makes Alessandra's life in the convent less pleasing to her?

5. How does Savonarola respond to being excommunicated?

6. Why does Alessandra apologize to her mother in Chapter 35?

7. How does painting the convent's chapel's fresco affect Alessandra?

8. Why is the painter arrested?

9. How does Alessandra grow closer to the painter when he stays with her and Cristoforo?

10. What happens when Alessandra visits the chapel before the dedication?

(see the answer keys)

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