The Birchbark House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Birchbark House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the family have for supper when Old Tallow returns?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Squirrel.
(c) Beaver.
(d) Crow.

2. What does Old Tallow do with the nasty yellow dog that attacks Omakayas?
(a) Puts him in the barn.
(b) Ties him up.
(c) Kills him.
(d) Puts him in a pen.

3. Whom does Omakayas listen to while he/she talks in his/her sleep?
(a) Nokomis.
(b) Mama.
(c) Deydey.
(d) Angeline.

4. What does Omakayas realize at the same time that Andeg disappears?
(a) She knows that she is adopted.
(b) She knows that Nokomis is a great teacher.
(c) She knows who she will marry.
(d) She realizes who she is.

5. Who joins Omakayas when she feels Neewo's spirit?
(a) Old Tallow.
(b) Nokomis.
(c) Ten Snow's spirit.
(d) The two young bears.

6. Who offers to teach Omakayas everything she will need to know?
(a) Nokomis.
(b) Old Tallow.
(c) Angeline.
(d) Mama.

7. Whom are Omakayas and Angeline surprised to see coming out of the school?
(a) Deydey.
(b) Mama.
(c) Nokomis.
(d) Fishtail.

8. How does the person in #140 put out the fire on his pants?
(a) Rolls on the grass.
(b) Sits in a bucket of water.
(c) Splashes down into a puddle.
(d) Runs to the creek.

9. Who wears an eccentric, colorful coat?
(a) Old Tallow.
(b) Deydey.
(c) Angeline.
(d) Mama.

10. What does Nokomis say speaks to her?
(a) The wind.
(b) Herbs and medicines.
(c) The birds.
(d) The clouds.

11. Who sets the seat of his pants on fire?
(a) Fishtail.
(b) Deydey.
(c) Albert.
(d) Pinch.

12. What does Omakayas realize when Andeg flies away one day?
(a) He needs to be with other crows.
(b) He will return in the spring.
(c) He will return with his family one day.
(d) He will bring back more twigs.

13. What does Deydey get when he wins the game with the shop owner?
(a) Food and moccasins.
(b) Food and debt reduction.
(c) Food and blankets.
(d) Food and guns.

14. What does Andeg bring to Omakayas?
(a) Twigs and bark.
(b) Leaves.
(c) Berries.
(d) Seeds.

15. Who tries to commit suicide after the smallpox outbreak?
(a) Angeline.
(b) Deydey.
(c) Albert.
(d) Fishtail.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Ten Snow and Angeline spend hours doing?

2. What is done with the items touched by the man who died from smallpox?

3. Which person in the village has also died from smallpox?

4. Which animal spirit comes to Omakayas in a dream?

5. What does Andeg discover one day that the family feasts on?

(see the answer keys)

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