The Big Wave Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Big Wave Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The person who owns the island lives in a ___________________ on the mountainside.
(a) Mansion.
(b) Castle.
(c) Cave.
(d) Hut.

2. Why does Kino's father instruct Kino to get his mother and sister?
(a) Jiya will know who his family is now.
(b) They can sing to Jiya.
(c) They will be safe from the storm.
(d) They can fix some food for Jiya.

3. What does Kino's father say about Jiya?
(a) He will be happy again one day.
(b) He hopes he does not run away again.
(c) He is going to be taller than his father was.
(d) He will need to study harder next year.

4. How does Setsu feel about Jiya living with her family?
(a) Irritated.
(b) Appalled.
(c) Frightened.
(d) Excited.

5. Kino's father explains that people are afraid of the sea because it is very big and _______________________.
(a) No one understands it.
(b) It can destroy fishing boats.
(c) There are dangerous creatures in it.
(d) Has a bad temper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What would Jiya prefer to do after the family eats?

2. Kino's father reminds Kino that the land is also fearsome, recalling the ________________ experienced by the family.

3. Why do Kino and Jiya cling to Kino's father?

4. Why does Kino sometimes think Jiya is luckier than he is?

5. Which of the following does Kino NOT discover about the sea and why Jiya is afraid of it?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jiya feel when his new family encourages him to sit at the table and eat with them?

2. What does Kino want to do with Jiya after they eat dinner?

3. What does Kino's father remind him about that shows that the land, as well as the sea, is also fearsome?

4. What does Kino's father say about every day that comes after the storm?

5. What had Kino's father told him about the necessity for Jiya to eat in order to heal?

6. What is Kino's father's response when Kino says he doesn't think that Jiya can ever be happy again?

7. What does Jiya do when he sees the devastation of the big wave?

8. How does Jiya's awe of an angry sea foreshadow what the sea is ultimately capable of?

9. How accurate was Kino's father in describing the stages that Jiya will go through in his healing?

10. How does Kino's father respond when Kino thinks it is cruel for the sky and sea to be calm again?

(see the answer keys)

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