The Big Wave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Big Wave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jiya wants to marry a certain girl because she makes him laugh and _________________________.
(a) Makes him forget the big wave.
(b) Works hard.
(c) Treats everyone kindly.
(d) Cooks good.

2. How does Kino feel after Jiya and Setsu move to the beach?
(a) Happy.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Sad.

3. What does Kino do while Jiya learns about the Old Gentleman's offer?
(a) Takes a nap.
(b) Works in the field.
(c) Reads a book.
(d) Peeks in the window.

4. What does the Old Gentleman demand of his offer to adopt Jiya?
(a) He will have a contract drawn up.
(b) He receives an answer in a week.
(c) Jiya gives him his answer personally.
(d) He gets Jiya's response tomorrow.

5. What can Kino tell about Jiya when he sees him after Jiya learns about the Old Gentleman's offer?
(a) He looks ill.
(b) He seems relieved.
(c) He has been crying.
(d) He looks happy.

6. Which of the following is NOT a reason that Kino's father thinks Japanese people are fortunate?
(a) They do not fear death because it is part of life.
(b) They live bravely.
(c) They love life because they live in danger.
(d) They have beautiful art.

7. Jiya looks at the empty beach every morning as if _____________________.
(a) Meditating.
(b) Searching for something.
(c) Praying.
(d) Hating the world.

8. How often do Kino and Jiya visit the deserted beach?
(a) Never.
(b) Every day.
(c) Rarely.
(d) Every Saturday.

9. Why does the Old Gentleman come up the hill?
(a) To bring fresh water.
(b) To get some exercise.
(c) To see Jiya.
(d) To buy vegetables.

10. Kino does not feel like _______________ without Jiya.
(a) Working.
(b) Swimming.
(c) Playing.
(d) Eating.

11. The Old Gentleman tells Jiya that it is a shame that Jiya did not become his son because ______________________.
(a) He would be better educated now.
(b) He could be wealthy now.
(c) He could have traveled the world.
(d) He could live in the castle and be safe.

12. Why are the men building a house on the beach?
(a) Someone is paying them to do it.
(b) They need more room for relatives.
(c) They are tired of not having their own home.
(d) They think it is a good location.

13. Which of the following elements is NOT included in Jiya's recovery?
(a) Soul.
(b) Mind.
(c) Sense of humor.
(d) Body.

14. Where have the two men lived since the big wave?
(a) In relatives' homes.
(b) In the outhouses of the castle.
(c) In hotels.
(d) In houses on the mountain.

15. Jiya says that the people on the island are brave because _____________________.
(a) It is honorable.
(b) They must be.
(c) Their elders require it.
(d) Their sons look up to them.

Short Answer Questions

1. One evening, Kino climbs the hill to look at the____________________.

2. How is time measured for people in the village?

3. The Old Gentleman's servant thinks Jiya is _________________ to turn down the Old Gentleman's offer.

4. Why is the Old Gentleman angry at the young men building the house?

5. Kino's father equates the gateway of death to the gateway of __________________ so that Kino can understand it.

(see the answer keys)

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