The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Hughes entered Lincoln, what was the racial make-up of the Board of Trustees?
(a) The Board was 50% black.
(b) The Board was 20% black.
(c) The Board was all white.
(d) The Board was all black.

2. To whom did Hughes give copies of his poetry after he won the poetry prize?
(a) George Emerson.
(b) James Dickenson.
(c) Carl Van Vechten.
(d) Alfred Locke.

3. How did Hughes compare talking with Mr. Barnes about art?
(a) Like talking business with his father.
(b) Like taking a college class.
(c) Like dining with a food critic.
(d) Like drinking fine wine.

4. What was one hazing experience Hughes related in his discussion of college?
(a) Book carrying.
(b) Paddling.
(c) Head dunking.
(d) Naked partying.

5. Who sang at A'Lelia Walker's funeral?
(a) The Four Soul Sisters.
(b) The Four Bon Bons.
(c) The Four Seasons.
(d) The Four Quartets.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Hughes think of during his lunch with Mr. Barnes?

2. What famous dance did the black dancers from America bring with them to Paris?

3. In his anecdote about the strawberry greens at dinner, what had the other diners done with the green stems?

4. What did people do on Seventh Street in Washington in 1924?

5. What poem of Hughes won first prize in Witter Bynner's Intercollegiate Undergraduate Poetry Contest in 1926?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Hughes travel to Italy for the summer? Where did he stay?

2. What did Florence do after the brawl at the Grand Duc? How did this affect the club and what did the owner finally do?

3. What happened to Hughes on his was back to France that changed his travel plans?

4. What were some of the places in Italy Hughes saw aboard the ship headed for New York? What happened to him in Valencia?

5. What was "Not Without Laughter"? Why was it important in Hughes's life?

6. What other meeting did Dr. Locke arrange for Hughes before leaving town?

7. Why did Hughes go to Washington D.C. after landing in New York?

8. What event brought Hughes to the South in 1927? How did he react to the South and southern cities?

9. How did Hughes describe the wedding of Countee Cullen? Why was the wedding the talk of Harlem for a time? How was Hughes involved?

10. Where did Hughes attend college during the 1920s? When was the college founded and by whom? Where is the college located?

(see the answer keys)

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