The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Hughes think of during his lunch with Mr. Barnes?
(a) His high school art teacher.
(b) His family in New York.
(c) His first poetry teacher at Columbia.
(d) His girlfriend Mary.

2. Once, on his way to the train accompanied by a chauffeur and a secretary, who did Hughes meet at the station?
(a) Red caps who had gone to college with Hughes.
(b) His professor or English at Columbia University.
(c) His old girlfriend from college.
(d) White men who whistled when he stepped out of the limousine.

3. What did Dr. Locke offer to do for Hughes while both men were in Italy?
(a) Introduce him to his sister.
(b) Teach him Italian.
(c) Publish his poems.
(d) Take him to Venice.

4. Where did Bricktop Ada Smith come from?
(a) Memphis.
(b) Newark.
(c) New Orleans,
(d) Harlem.

5. Who was singing "everybody loves my baby, but my baby don't love no one but me" at the NAACP fundraiser Hughes attended?
(a) Bessie Smith.
(b) Bricktop Annie.
(c) Josephine Baker.
(d) Alberta Hunter.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Hughes decide to move from his apartment to an attic room up the hill?

2. How did Hughes learn to wait tables and serve drinks?

3. What was the "Interstate Tattler?"

4. Where did Hughes stay when he was in New Orleans on his trip in 1927?

5. What famous dance did the black dancers from America bring with them to Paris?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who did Hughes call the "great Harlem party giver?" How did Hughes describe the parties and the hostess?

2. What survey did Hughes conduct at his college during his senior year? Why was this issue important to Hughes?

3. Who was Bruce? Why did he become upset at work? What happened when the boss fired him? How did this affect Hughes?

4. What was "Not Without Laughter"? Why was it important in Hughes's life?

5. Why did Hughes go to Washington D.C. after landing in New York?

6. How did Hughes conclude his story of the racial survey at Lincoln? What changes did he witness at the school and in how many years?

7. While he was still in college, how did Hughes meet the woman who was to become his patron? What story did Hughes tell about their first meeting?

8. Who was Hughes's distinguished visitor? Why was the visit an important one?

9. Why did Hughes travel to Italy for the summer? Where did he stay?

10. Where was the Interracial Conference Hughes attended during his sophomore year located? What story did Hughes tell about this conference?

(see the answer keys)

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