The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of Hughes's relatives became Dean of the first law school at Howard University?
(a) His great uncle.
(b) His grandfather's brother.
(c) His grandmother's brother.
(d) His grandfather.

2. What was the name of the children's play Hughes wrote and published in the "Brownie Book"?
(a) "The Gold Watch."
(b) "The Golden Fish."
(c) "The Golden Horse."
(d) "The Gold Piece."

3. What did Hughes's father finally do for his son?
(a) Bought him land in Mexico.
(b) Offered to pay for school in Columbia.
(c) Sent him home to Cleveland.
(d) Shipped him off to Africa.

4. What was the S.S. Malone's only port of call in the Azores?
(a) Horta.
(b) Hento.
(c) Basta.
(d) Hanai.

5. Who were George and Ramon?
(a) Hughes's bunk mates.
(b) Hughes's classmates.
(c) Hughes's friends in New York.
(d) Hughes's brothers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Sandy Hook?

2. How much a night was the first room Hughes stayed in Paris?

3. Where did Hughes, his mother, and his grandmother go to meet his father?

4. Who was Florence?

5. How old was Hughes when he sailed away from America?

Short Essay Questions

1. While sailing along the African shore, what did the crew do from port to port? What did Hughes realize about the black Africans?

2. What were James Hughes's plans for his son? How did they differ from what Hughes wanted for himself?

3. What did Hughes notice about the way Mexicans and Negros were treated differently, particularly on his way home from Mexico to Cleveland, Ohio?

4. What was Hughes's ethnic heritage? How did this affect his travels in Africa?

5. Who did Hughes stand in line to see at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York? What did he think of the performance?

6. What happened aboard the S.S. Malone the week before the ship reached the Virgin Islands on its return to New York?

7. How did Hughes meet someone in Paris who helped him find a place to stay, and who was the person? What was the surprise Hughes found when he went up to his room?

8. How did Hughes begin writing poetry? Did he like writing poetry? What was his style of poetry?

9. Who was Frau Schultz? What role did she play in Hughes's life?

10. What happened when Hughes picked up Jocko from the pet shop in New York? How did he raise the money to get home?

(see the answer keys)

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