The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Florence?
(a) Florence McCay, the singer at Zelli's.
(b) Florence Embry, the singer at the Grand Duc.
(c) Florence Nightingale, the writer from Paris.
(d) Florence Henderson, the actress from America.

2. What did the sailors do on the first day out of the harbor on the way to Africa?
(a) Meet with the captain.
(b) Pick up their assignments.
(c) Cook a meal.
(d) Clean up the ship.

3. What did Hughes's ship bring to Africa?
(a) Furniture, machinery, clothing, and Hollywood films.
(b) Machinery, furniture, canned goods, and Hollywood films.
(c) Machinery, tools, canned goods, and Hollywood films.
(d) Clothing, flour, canned goods, and Hollywood films.

4. Who was Auntie Reed and Uncle Reed?
(a) The people Hughes met on the S.S. Malone.
(b) The people Hughes was sent to live with when he was twleve.
(c) The people who lived next door to his grandmother.
(d) The people Hughes met on his way to see his father.

5. In whose honor was the first burial at sea Hughes participated in?
(a) The Chief Steward.
(b) His friend Francis Carco.
(c) His roomate George.
(d) The Chief Engineer of his ship.

6. About what incident did Hughes write the poem "African Fog?"
(a) Men singing while they loaded cattle onto the S.S.Malone.
(b) Black men singing as the captain rang evening bells.
(c) Black boatmen unloading cargo in the fog and singing their songs.
(d) Oarsmen singing as the S.S. Malone took up anchor and left the port.

7. What was the name of Hughes's horse at his father's house?
(a) Tiny.
(b) Maria.
(c) Taco.
(d) Tito.

8. Why did Hughes have trouble writing about bullfights?
(a) He had not seen enough bullfights to be able to write about them.
(b) He felt too sorry for the bulls who died.
(c) He believed they must be seen and heard to be appreciated.
(d) He believed only Hemmingway was capable of writing about bullfights.

9. What happened to the monkey cage the sailors built on the S.S. Malone?
(a) It was thrown overboard.
(b) It was broken open during a storm.
(c) It was left at the dock on the western coast.
(d) It was stolen by one of the passengers.

10. Where did Hughes find a job when he returned to New York?
(a) Working on a ship bound for Bali.
(b) Working on a ship bound for China.
(c) Working on a ship bound for Africa.
(d) Working on a ship bound for Constantinople and Odessa.

11. What did the men in Africa say to Hughes when he tried to talk to them about Marcus Garvey?
(a) They said "you, white man! You, white man!"
(b) They said "you are a traitor, you are not African!"
(c) THey said, "we do not care how difficult things are in other countries!"
(d) They said, "you are lying to us, the South is not like AFrica!"

12. How many ports along the west African shore did the S.S. Malone visit?
(a) Fifty two.
(b) Thirty two.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Twenty two.

13. What did Hughes's father decide he should study in school?
(a) Mathematics.
(b) Mining engineering.
(c) Farming and ranching.
(d) Mechanical engineering.

14. What is the name of the famous poem Hughes wrote on the train trip to Mexico?
(a) "The Negro Speaks of Rivers."
(b) "Rivers Run Deep."
(c) "Too Many Rivers To Cross."
(d) "The Negro's Poem."

15. Where did Hughes go to see the bullfights in Mexico?
(a) Guatalahara.
(b) Mexico City.
(c) Tucales.
(d) Maderia.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was Hughes's little brother Kit when Hughes returned from Africa?

2. Who took over Hughes's English classes when he left Mexico?

3. Where was Hughes when he was refused service at the train station soda fountain?

4. When did Hughes finally leave Mexico to return to America?

5. How long was the sail to Africa from New York?

(see the answer keys)

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