The Big Sea: An Autobiography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II, Big Sea, Africa—Standee.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the missionaries aboard the S.S. Malone react to their passage to Africa upon the ship?
(a) They booked passage home on the S.S. Malone.
(b) They complained to the main office and threatened to sue the company.
(c) They wrote letters commending the captain for the good spirit on his ship.
(d) They complained to the Maritime Board and to the governor of New York.

2. What happened to the men when the ship crossed the equator?
(a) They were covered in oil and tossed into the ocean.
(b) They were thrown into the salt water and initiated into the "Neptune Society."
(c) They were given brandy to drink and initiaited into "The Neptune Society."
(d) They were baptized in salt water, shaved, and initiated into "The Sons of Neptune."

3. What did Hughes's father finally do for his son?
(a) Bought him land in Mexico.
(b) Sent him home to Cleveland.
(c) Shipped him off to Africa.
(d) Offered to pay for school in Columbia.

4. What was the general atmosphere on the S.S. Malone during its journey on the coast of Africa?
(a) Mostly jovial, friendly, and fun.
(b) Mostly angry, hostile, and dangerous.
(c) Mostly sad, meloncholy, and depressing.
(d) Mostly boring, hot, and hostile.

5. Where did Hughes find work the summer after his freshman year at Columbia?
(a) At a newspaper in New York City.
(b) At a truck garden on Staten Island.
(c) At a newspaper in Cleveland.
(d) At a bakery in Harlem.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much was Hughes supposed to win by spending the night on the haunted ship?

2. Where was Hughes when he was refused service at the train station soda fountain?

3. Where was George from?

4. What souvenir did Hughes jump in the bullfighting ring just after the fight to get?

5. What was Hughes's job on the ship across the ocean?

(see the answer key)

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