The Bhagavad Gita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bhagavad Gita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Krishna say will come to him?
(a) Those who remember him at the time of death.
(b) Those who remember him all their lives.
(c) Anyone.
(d) Those who remember him at birth.

2. What does Krishna say is the only enemy of the Self?
(a) The mind.
(b) The will.
(c) The heart.
(d) God.

3. Unto whom does Krishna say abiding joy comes?
(a) To those who still their mind.
(b) To those who accomplish many good works.
(c) To those who do not judge others.
(d) To those who give all of their possessions to the poor.

4. According to Krishna, what have those done who are established in the Self?
(a) They have renounced all selfish attachments.
(b) They have forgotten their true nature.
(c) They have abandoned everyone they know.
(d) They have learned to hate their father and mother.

5. For whose needs will Krishna provide?
(a) Krishna will provide for the needs of anyone and everyone, whatever actions they take.
(b) Krishna will provide for those who make offerings of soma and slaughtered pigs.
(c) Krishna will provide for the needs of those who worship him and meditate upon him constantly.
(d) Krishna will provide for those who practice Vedic rituals everyday.

6. What do the six months of the southern path of the sun lead other souls to?
(a) These months lead souls to rebirth.
(b) These months lead souls to sadness.
(c) These months lead souls to liberation.
(d) These months lead souls to pleasure.

7. What do the six months of the northern path of the sun lead souls to?
(a) These months lead souls to liberation.
(b) These months lead souls to sadness.
(c) These months lead souls to rebirth.
(d) These months lead souls to pleasure.

8. According to Krishna who are truly wise and fit for immortality?
(a) Those who are the same in pleasure and in pain.
(b) Those walk great distances.
(c) Those who practice selfless service.
(d) Those who have devoutly studied scripture.

9. According to Krishna, what do those who excel control?
(a) Time.
(b) Wives.
(c) Senses.
(d) Children.

10. What is the only creature that is not subject to rebirth according to Krishna?
(a) The cow.
(b) The creature which is united with Krishna.
(c) The human being.
(d) The woman.

11. What do truly great souls seek?
(a) Other great souls.
(b) Material satisfaction.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Krishna's divine nature.

12. How does Krishna say a sinner becomes holy?
(a) A sinner becomes holy when she relaxes.
(b) A sinner becomes holy when she practices Vedic rituals.
(c) A sinner becomes holy when she worships Krishna with firm resolve.
(d) A sinner becomes holy when she enjoys material creation.

13. How does Krishna say the wise master their senses?
(a) Through union with a woman.
(b) Through sacrifice.
(c) Through the practice of rituals.
(d) Through meditation.

14. According to Arjuna, what happens when a family declines?
(a) Morality vanishes.
(b) Ancient traditions are destroyed.
(c) There is a widespread famine.
(d) Women weep constantly.

15. According to Krishna, the standards that outstanding persons create will be followed by whom?
(a) Other outstanding persons.
(b) Pious men and women.
(c) The whole world.
(d) Unexceptional persons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the source of every selfless act according to Krishna?

2. What does Krishna tell Arjuna about the world of the senses?

3. What has the person done, who indulges his senses for his own pleasure, ignoring the needs of others, according to Krishna?

4. Where do those who worship the gods go according to Krishna?

5. What satisfaction will Arjuna find from killing Dhritarashtra's sons?

(see the answer keys)

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