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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where did Francesca say that she was when she was supposed to be served her lunch, so they forgot about her?
2. What do the nurses in the ward call Francesca and others like her in the ward?
3. When Francesca talks about how 'she' pulled more shit than anyone could imagine, who is the 'she' to whom Francesca refers?
4. What is the reason why Lila is in the hospital with Francesca, as she tells her?
5. What does Lila think is a black person disease in the same way that anorexia is a white people disease?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens to make Francesca sick when she is in the hospital?
2. What happens when the worker brings Francesca a tray of food for one of her meals?
3. Who does Sandy include in the 'trio' as he calls a group when he is talking with Francesca in the hospital?
4. What does Francesca do the second she arrives in the hospital ward and gets settled?
5. What does Susanna have to say when she finds out that Gregg isn't coming home for the family meeting?
6. What does Francesca tell Myrna that she wants to know about the hospital?
7. What does Francesca do when she is waiting for her parents to come pick her up from the hospital?
8. What does Myrna think about people who have anorexia, revealing this to Francesca when they are talking?
9. Why won't Francesca talk to her brother about how angry she is with him?
10. What is the observation that Grace makes when Susanna and Hal are fighting with each other?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
No matter what Kessa does, she believes that she is much heavier than she actually is.
Part 1: Why do you think it's possible for a person to see someone who is heavy, even when they are not?
Part 2: How do you think Kessa could have been shown her true appearance?
Part 3: Why do you think that Kessa believes that being fat is a bad thing? What may have prompted her to feel this way?
Essay Topic 2
In the end, Kessa is released from the hospital, left to continue her weight gain on her own at home.
Part 1: Why do you think that Kessa was released from the hospital?
Part 2: Do you think that Kessa was ready to be released from the hospital?
Part 3: What do you think will happen to Kessa after she is home and dealing with her problems on her own?
Essay Topic 3
Many people in Kessa's life feel they are to blame for her troubles or they are looking for someone to blame.
Part 1: Why do some of the people in Kessa's family feel they are to blame for her eating troubles?
Part 2: Why do some of the people in Kessa's family want to find someone else to blame for Kessa's weight loss?
Part 3: Do you think that anyone is to blame for Kessa's weight loss? More than one person? Why?
This section contains 742 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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